Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Long Travel Mini Sand Rail Plans

Last call! Now or never ...

Published 3 days ago in The Financial Times LEAP/E2020 I submit the letter to the leaders of the G20.
The group message is clear: this is the last chance that history is allowing the current international system. Either you take concrete decisions immediately, and start by summer, or will global geopolitical instability.

This is a translation from the English translation that I will only provide, not share nor disown, but judge it without taking it for what it is: a final wake-up call for leaders of the old world.
I invite you to read the same way, without judging, without necessarily fully share it or reject it in full.

Everyone then draws his conclusions

Ladies and gentlemen,
Your next summit will take place in a few days in London, but are you aware that you have less than a semester to ensure that the world fall into a crisis that will require at least a decade to resolve, accompanied by a whole series of tragedies and turmoil? Therefore, this open letter to LEAP/E2020, which saw the arrival of a "global systemic crisis" three years ago, aims to explain briefly what and 'what happened and how to limit further damage.

If you began to suspect the dawn of a significant crisis in less than a year ago, LEAP/E2020, the second issue of the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (issue N ° 2), had anticipated that the world was about to enter the "activation phase" of a crisis of historic proportions. Since then, month after month, LEAP/E2020 has continued to produce highly accurate forecasts on the development of this crisis with which the world is fighting today. For this reason, we feel compelled to write this open letter which we hope will help you in the choices that you should take a few days.

The crisis is becoming increasingly dangerous. Recently, in the 32nd edition of the Report , LEAP/E2020 raised an alarm of direct relevance to you, the leaders of the G20. If he met in London on April 2, will not be able to adopt a set of concrete decisions and innovative, focusing on key points and issues, and launch it by the summer of 2009, the crisis will enter the stage of collapse global geopolitical by the end of the year, with consequences for the international system and the very structure of the largest political organizations such as USA, Russia, China and the EU. After that, all your ability to control the fate of 6 billion people the world is over.

Your selection: 3-5 years long crisis or a crisis at least long-a-decade? ( deepening )

To date, there are simply busy with the symptoms and side effects of this crisis because, unfortunately, nothing has prepared you to face a crisis of such historical significance. You thought that adding more (oil) oil * the global engine would have been sufficient, unaware that the engine was broken, while the international system deteriorates further every month.

In the case of a serious crisis, one must go to the heart of the matter. The only choice is between taking a set of radical changes, which significantly shorten the duration of the crisis and its tragic consequences, the output decreases, or, conversely, refuse to make any changes in an attempt to save what 'that is the current system, extending the life of crisis and increasing all the negative consequences. In London, on 2 April, you can open the way for resolving the crisis in a comprehensive way within 3-5 years, or drag the world into a terrible decade.

We just give you three recommendations that we consider strategic in the sense that, according to LEAP/E2020, if not begin by the summer of 2009, the deopolitico global instability become inevitable by the end of this year onwards.

Three policy recommendations of LEAP:

1. The key in solving this problem lies in the creation of a new international reserve currency!

The first recommendation is a simple idea: to reform the international monetary system after World War II and create a new international reserve currency. The U.S. dollar and economy are no longer able to sustain the current economic, financial and monetary global. Until this strategic issue is not addressed and resolved directly, crisis will grow. E 'is the heart of the crisis of financial derivative products, banks, energy prices ... and (heart) the consequences in terms of mass unemployment and falling living standards. E 'therefore vital for this to be the main topic of the summit of the G20, and that the first steps toward a solution are started. In fact, the solution to this problem is well known, and is creating an international reserve currency (which might be called the "Global") based on a basket of currencies corresponding to the largest economies, namely U.S. dollars, Euro, Yen, Yuan, Khaleeji (the common currency of the oil-producing Gulf states, which will start in January 2010), Ruble, Real ..., maintained by a "World Monetary Institute," whose board of directors will reflect the relative weight of the economies whose currencies make up the Global.

** You must ask the IMF and central banks concerned to prepare this plan in June 2009, with the implementation date to January 1, 2010. This is the only way you regain control about current events going on, and this is the only way for you to develop a global management based on a shared valley at the heart of business and finance. According to LEAP/E2020, if this alternative to the current monetary system collapsed not will be launched by the summer of 2009, demonstrating that there is an alternative approach "every man for himself", the international system of today will not survive the summer.

If some member of the G20 think it is better to maintain the privileges attached to the "status quo" as much as possible, should reflect the fact that, if today they can still significantly influence the future shape of the new global monetary system once the phase of the global geopolitical instability will be initiated, they will lose all ability to do so.

2. Prepare schematic plans of the banks before possible!

The second recommendation has already been mentioned many times in the preliminary discussions of your upcoming summit. It should be easy to adopt. The creation, by the end of the year, a scheme of banking supervision on a global scale, which would eliminate the current gaps blacks. " A set of options have already been suggested by your experts. Decide now: nationalize financial institutions when necessary! It 's the only way to prevent a recurrence of massive debt on their part (the type of events that have contributed significantly to the current crisis) and show the public that you have some credibility in the bargain with bankers.

3. Make sure that the IMF will assess the financial systems in the U.S., UK and Switzerland!

The third recommendation relates to a politically sensitive topic, which can not 'be ignored. It 'important that, no later than July 2009, the IMF found the G20 an independent assessment of the three national financial systems at the heart of the current financial crisis: U.S., UK and Switzerland. No recommendation can 'be effectively implemented as long as no one has a clear understanding of the damage caused by the crisis in the three pillars of the global financial system. It is no longer time to be educated with the nations that are central to the financial chaos.

Write a final statement short and simple!

Finally, please let us remind you that your purpose is to restore confidence to 6 billion people, and among them, millions of public and private organizations. Therefore, do not forget to write a brief statement - no more than two pages, which present a maximum of 3-4 ideas that non-experts can read and understand. If you fail to do so, nobody will read what you have to say other than a small grupo specialists, and is therefore not revive public confidence and the crisis is likely to worsen.

If this open letter helps you to understand that history will judge you depending on the success or failure of this Summit, it will be helpful. According to LEAP/E2020, your citizens will not wait more than a year before judging.

This time, at least, you can not say nobody warned you!

Franck Biancheri

Director of Studies of LEAP/E2020,
President of Newropeans

Who wants to leave the further link to the source, beyond this point where you can find analysis and advice I suggest you read.

DAMAGE global geopolitical
Analysis Part 1 REPORT REPORT
Analysis Part 2 Analysis

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jenna Jamesonakiba Online

The "anti-crisis measures"

HERE you can hear from our Minister Sacconi the amazing anti-crisis measures that the government has provided to the new poor, who will soon face the varied world of unemployment, having lived their glorious season by precarious (ie without any "parachute social ").

Se avrete la forza di ascoltare le parole di Sacconi potrete poi facilmente constatare quale sia la portata della PROPAGANDA PURA che ci stanno spacciando impunemente come informazione. Con l'uso FALSATO di parole e concetti, ripetuti fino all'ossessione da media televisivi e non solo, fanno passare come INTERVENTI sociali delle vere e proprie PUTTANATE.

Chiamare AMMORTIZZATORE SOCIALE un sussidio pari al 20% dell'ultima paga base (una tantum) , per massimo 2 volte in un anno, è una BESTEMMIA ! Basta fare i conti della serva per capire che, se la paga base di un precario solitamente non supera as a social shock absorber of 800 € will be granted the € 160 for 2 times in a year ... So € 320, € 30 per month even in practice 1 € per day CRAP! What we are talking about.

A pocket money, but sold as a "doubling" of unemployment benefit for left jobless. "But you must not refuse small jobs," he warned Sacconi. And the most disheartening is that it will benefit more than 10,000 people. In fact, the measure was already approved economic stimulus package in January, and provided that any that he was fired could make a petition for an allowance one-off 10% of final salary. The criteria were so strict (to have gained between 5 thousand and € 11,516 in 2008, have between three and ten months of contributions for pension purposes, to show to work for a company in "crisis") that had calculated that number of beneficiaries would be reduced to less than ten thousand people out of a total of eight hundred thousand, about 1, 3%.

nothing short Sacconi has doubled.

precarious and so far no one has seen because the implementing decree EVEN € E 'APPROVED. Moreover, it leaves out of the public administration and the tide of people forced to take the VAT, which in reality are in effect employees.

would be enough to give it on the news to expose the hoax, but the information itself is a hoax, here is the reason for my struggle for information from the bottom ...

Friday, March 6, 2009

5.1 Receiver Up Convert

few more card to complete the puzzle ...

has an investment in liquid mutual funds, money market, cash, short-term bonds? Get ready for the first negative return in their history!
Dear friend, I advise that
many funds mutual funds denominated monetary and / or CASH 'and / or CASH and / 0 SHORT-TERM BOND performance could have very, very low, or ADDIRIRITTURA NEGATIVE!

How is it possible that a mutual fund money has a negative return?
The reason for this possible negative return is accounted for by the management fees that investors must bear.
A liquidity fund must invest generally in government bonds with a duration of less than 6 months. The yields of government bonds with that maturity, such as BOT, are less than 1%! If the fund were to have a management fee of 1% and would invest in BOT, the return of the fund would be equal to 0% (zero) or very easy, it would be negative.
Negative reviews for you! The bank and the SGR (Società di Gestione del Risparmio) gaining the management fee, REGARDLESS OF THE RESULT!

Ovviamentetutto this argument makes sense only if the bot had to pay, because if bots were not paid then it would open a very different scenario.

But Italy is very strong and there are no problems (some say ...), Yeah ... Italy is well characterized by honesty and transparency that give us the optimism necessary to overcome any bad time. The notiziuola that follows, for example, was for the time being "beaten" only by REUTERS, the other media is not news:

risk insolvency, cds Italy 5 years old max touches
Friday March 6, 2009 12:51

LONDON (Reuters) - The cost to protect against the threat of default on government debt Italian scored this morning, according to data from CMA DataVision, a new high record.
measured by the derivative contract 'credit default swap' on the maturity of five years, the insurance risk default rose to 198.9 basis points from 195.6 basis points at the close of yesterday evening in New York.
translating values \u200b\u200binto monetary levels, means it costs € 198,900 at the time of the year to ensure an exposure of 10 million euro in the Italian Treasury securities.
Persistent fears about the stability of the economy have kept nezionale live in yield spread between German Bund and BTP, the European Charter 'core' par excellence.
The spread between the two decades of travels in the late morning around 158 cents, nearly ten cents above yesterday's values \u200b\u200b

Spero capiate da soli cosa vuol dire... non è difficile. Assicurare 10 milioni di Euro INVESTITI in Italia COSTA 200.000 Euro ALL'ANNO ! Il che rende EVIDENTEMENTE assai rischioso e poco remunerativo ogni investimento sul e nel ex bel paese. Va da se che IN POCO TEMPO, con questo genere di feed-back, vanno ad innescarsi meccanismi economici che ci portano dritti alla bancarotta. Cosa assi probabile perchè, OVVIAMENTE, secondo la classifica della banca d'affari J.P.Morgan, noi siamo nello "spazio riempipista" dei paesi europei vicino al DEFAULT, dove in ordine vediamo al primo posto la GRECIA, seguita dalla verde IRLANDA tallonata da vicino dall'ITALIA che preme per "vincere" !

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Women's Provocative Clothing

small steps towards the spring.

When I read that on wikipedia current era of Silvio Berlusconi Rasini Bank, where his father worked Louis, and accidentally had the account Pippo Calo, Toto Riina and Bernardo Provenzano , I always expect someone to tell on TV networks unified!

PS Oh! We gave (give) 100 million euros for the reconstruction of Gaza, the Jews (filthy rich) have destroyed playing with rockets.