has an investment in liquid mutual funds, money market, cash, short-term bonds? Get ready for the first negative return in their history!
Dear friend, I advise that
many funds mutual funds denominated monetary and / or CASH 'and / or CASH and / 0 SHORT-TERM BOND performance could have very, very low, or ADDIRIRITTURA NEGATIVE!
Dear friend, I advise that
many funds mutual funds denominated monetary and / or CASH 'and / or CASH and / 0 SHORT-TERM BOND performance could have very, very low, or ADDIRIRITTURA NEGATIVE!
How is it possible that a mutual fund money has a negative return?
The reason for this possible negative return is accounted for by the management fees that investors must bear.
A liquidity fund must invest generally in government bonds with a duration of less than 6 months. The yields of government bonds with that maturity, such as BOT, are less than 1%! If the fund were to have a management fee of 1% and would invest in BOT, the return of the fund would be equal to 0% (zero) or very easy, it would be negative.
Negative reviews for you! The bank and the SGR (Società di Gestione del Risparmio) gaining the management fee, REGARDLESS OF THE RESULT!
Ovviamentetutto this argument makes sense only if the bot had to pay, because if bots were not paid then it would open a very different scenario.
But Italy is very strong and there are no problems (some say ...), Yeah ... Italy is well characterized by honesty and transparency that give us the optimism necessary to overcome any bad time. The notiziuola that follows, for example, was for the time being "beaten" only by REUTERS, the other media is not news:
risk insolvency, cds Italy 5 years old max touches
Friday March 6, 2009 12:51
Friday March 6, 2009 12:51
LONDON (Reuters) - The cost to protect against the threat of default on government debt Italian scored this morning, according to data from CMA DataVision, a new high record.
measured by the derivative contract 'credit default swap' on the maturity of five years, the insurance risk default rose to 198.9 basis points from 195.6 basis points at the close of yesterday evening in New York.
translating values \u200b\u200binto monetary levels, means it costs € 198,900 at the time of the year to ensure an exposure of 10 million euro in the Italian Treasury securities.
Persistent fears about the stability of the economy have kept nezionale live in yield spread between German Bund and BTP, the European Charter 'core' par excellence.
The spread between the two decades of travels in the late morning around 158 cents, nearly ten cents above yesterday's values \u200b\u200b
Spero capiate da soli cosa vuol dire... non è difficile. Assicurare 10 milioni di Euro INVESTITI in Italia COSTA 200.000 Euro ALL'ANNO ! Il che rende EVIDENTEMENTE assai rischioso e poco remunerativo ogni investimento sul e nel ex bel paese. Va da se che IN POCO TEMPO, con questo genere di feed-back, vanno ad innescarsi meccanismi economici che ci portano dritti alla bancarotta. Cosa assi probabile perchè, OVVIAMENTE, secondo la classifica della banca d'affari J.P.Morgan, noi siamo nello "spazio riempipista" dei paesi europei vicino al DEFAULT, dove in ordine vediamo al primo posto la GRECIA, seguita dalla verde IRLANDA tallonata da vicino dall'ITALIA che preme per "vincere" !
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