Sunday, October 31, 2010

War Of The Worldssoundtrack

RACE 1 RACE 2 - 31.10.2010

parties. At 10 now nine teams took to the water, with a wind that at times reached the twenty knots from the south-south-west to compete on a windward-leeward course of approximately one mile from repeated twice. Vince
Deneb, the boat skippered by Salvatore Lia, followed by Matthew Menkent Cezza and ChiChi Romano Healy. Poorly
jennakers and spinnakers. But they swear that they will soon be done to push hard in the carriers.
not missed some small problem that forced him to retire two of the nine boats.
With the race even started a blog that wants to be something of a diary of the season and on which all are invited to write directly posting comments or publishing your material.
Next meeting November 28. We are waiting and with the same spirit.
Good wind.



What's The Best Type Of Ball Python

the tragic death of a bittern

Perhaps the cold, malnutrition, or perhaps some form of poisoning led to the death a beautiful and rare bittern. Who will he delivered, he found dying near an olive grove above the hills of Muggiano (La Spezia), where he died after a few hours. The owner of the fund, through his friend Victor, however, contacted us to deliver it. We in our turn we delivered it to Dr. Landini Elenora Provincial Police who in all likelihood will embalm the collection of the Museum of Glass taxidermic Cornoviglio.
We take this opportunity to draw, however, the board of the species.

SHEET Bittern
Botaurus stellaris (Linnaeus, 1758)

(Val di Magra): Capon de Padua

SYSTEMATIC : Class: Aves, Order: CICONIIFORMES; Family: Ardeidae RECOGNITION AND IDENTIFICATION: E 'is distinguishable by its mimetic plumage, with brown bars and streaks, long-legged green, but especially for the powerful characteristic vocalizations that the male issue in the spring and can be heard even at great distances. When you hide among the aquatic vegetation assumes a particular position, with the long neck and beak pointing up. The flight is slow and below the wings are clear and large, round bar brown and black. It can be confused immature the Night Heron, significantly smaller and "stained" (Peterson et al., 1988).

DISTRIBUTION: Eurasian species. About three-quarters of the population of Europe are in Russia
and Ukraine, while in north-western quotas are most conspicuous in France and the Netherlands. In Europe northern and eastern populations are migratory, while Westerners are more sedentary and their possible movements are associated with conditions particularly difficult. In Italy is partially sedentary and nest along the coastal dell'alto Adriatico (Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli- Venezia Giulia), della Puglia e della Toscana, mentre è raro e localizzato all'interno della Pianura Padana, dove è stato osservato in Piemonte ed in Emilia-Romagna. In Piemonte e Toscana sono stati segnalati negli ultimi anni nuovi siti di nidificazione ed un incremento delle coppie presenti (Puglisi et al., 1997). Non vi sono dati certi riguardanti la presenza del Tarabuso in Sardegna nel corso del periodo riproduttivo. In passato pare fossero decisamente più numerose le coppie che utilizzavano i territori italiani per la nidificazione, ma il decremento nel nostro Paese trova conferma nell'andamento generale registrato in Europa. Nel periodo invernale giungono segnalazioni from the mainland, Sardinia and Sicily, where, however, the presence of the species is rather irregular. Instead the constant is wintering in the Po Valley, especially in Piedmont, Lombardy and the upper Adriatic coast. (Brichetti, 1992).
presence in the province of La Spezia:
Carazo (1887) reports it as "common step in the spring, low in autumn"; Biagioni (1994) reports it as present during the migratory and reproductive systems as a likely breeding but difficult to observe.

is highly variable in relation to location and season. It feeds mainly of fish belonging to a variety of different species (cyprinids, Esox lucius, Lepomis gibbosus), amphibian (Rana esculenta) of insects, adults and larvae, spiders, crustaceans and molluscs. It can also capture snakes, lizards, nestlings of birds (Rallus aquaticus, Tachybaptus ruficollis) and even small mammals (Neomys fodiens). In small quantities also consumes plant remains (Typha). Hunting alone, mostly at dusk or at night, in water bodies rich in vegetation to hide. To capture their prey slowly walking in shallow water, stopping for long periods waiting to spot their victim (Cramp and Simmons 1977, Voisin, 1991; Brichetti, 1992; del Hoyo et al., 1992).

HABITAT: It 's a species closely related to wet environments, secretive habits. during the breeding season attends wetlands and quiet with fresh water: ponds, lakes and banks of major rivers, reclaimed areas and expansion. Requires a dense emergent vegetation which leaves open spaces in which fishing, shallow water and minor fluctuations in water level. Rarely encountered in delta or estuary, whose waters are too salty, while demonstrating a strong preference for extended reeds. It nests in coastal wetlands, more rarely in the interior areas. During the winter, during migration, frequents wetlands little Extended: ponds, oxbow lakes, abandoned quarries, rice fields; wintering is the case in marshy areas with dense emergent vegetation: reeds, tifeti, scirpeti. Sometimes you also see in suburban areas (Cramp and Simmons 1977, Voisin, 1991; Brichetti, 1992, del Hoyo et al., 1992; Boano, 1997).
PLAY: the breeding season in Eurasia affects the months between March and June, but occasionally it can start even earlier in anticipation until January. In Italy the male may begin to occupy the territory in which the nest will be built as early as February, and spawning usually takes place from mid- March to late April. You have only one brood per year of 4-5 eggs (rarely 3-7), which are incubated by the female only after the deposition of the first. The male can be polygamous, coming to mate with five females in the same season. It 's kind of lonely character, whose males vigorously defend the territory. The nest is built by the female alone, not far from the water, on a bed of reeds and aquatic vegetation and is represented by a mound of reeds, sedges and other plant material. The central concavity can be covered with small branches and leaves of marsh plants. The chicks are cared for only by the mother. (Harrison, 1988; Voisin, 1991; Brichetti, 1992, del Hoyo et al., 1992).
SINGING: the line is similar to a roar and be heard up to five kilometers away. Listen to the song STATUS: Main causes of the decline of this species are due to the degradation and disappearance of wetlands suitable for nesting, and especially those characterized by extensive reed beds, a phenomenon that occurred mainly up to the years' 60-70s. Other threats are to be found in the disturbance caused by man, to which this species is very suspicious, is particularly sensitive to collisions with power cables and the unlawful killings. Add to this withdrawal of reckless chicks and eggs from the nests, helped by the lack of protection and protection of nesting areas. Furthermore, pollution is responsible for the decline of B. stellaris: the deteriorating water quality has caused a decrease in available prey, and then a decrease in reproductive success, and the abandonment of areas previously used for the abundance of food and vegetation in the middle of which shelter and build nests (Batten et al., 1990; Brichetti, 1992, del Hoyo et al., 1992, Tyler, 1994).
CONDUCT: During the breeding season is solitary and strongly defends the territory, while during the migration becomes gregarious, forming groups of forty individuals or more. sexes similar species, the male is larger (Brichetti, 1992).
- National Ecological Network
- Wikipedia

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sailor Moon English Dub

Published 2010-2011 calendar for the Under 14 category

Begins Tuesday, November 9, at 18:15 CASTELNOVO BELOW against Marconi Jumpers, the league for the Future VYP Cariparma Under 14 who sees our boys participate in the Group B in Emilia Romagna.
Calendar particular because he sees the Dukes play in the first round, four consecutive games at home (5 if we include the first return) and then four consecutive games away from home in the second round.
This calendar of Parma in order of the day's Handball Championship:

Tues 09/11/2010 18:15

Sun 11/28/2010 11:00

Sun 11/21/2010 09:15

Mon 12/06/2010 18:30

Wed 24/11/2010 18:45

Sun 9 / 1 / 2011 11:00

Sun 01/16/2011 11:00

Tues 18/01/2011 18:45

Sun 01/30/2011 11:00

Sun 02/13/2011 11:00
PARMA PARMA Handball - Handball SECCHIA

Fri 02/18/2011 17:45

Sun 27/02/2011 15:30

Sun 03/13/2011 11:00

Sat 19/03/2011 16:30

The race 13/02/2011 was initially indicated for the day 06/02/2011

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Maplestory How To Make Moonstone

Future VYP Cariparma's victory at the tournament in Poggibonsi

The Future VYP Cariparma won the tournament Poggibonsi struggling with the nails and pulling out the character in a day a little roccambolesca.

absences with different parties at a time of Tuscany, the yellow and blue you can easily get rid of Tavarnelle composed almost entirely of players who have just started to play, with a score of 15 to 6.
The second game is complicated by delusions of leadership not just for the referee who, after having prevented from entering the field to Calafiore for "accessories" do not fit the game, Mancuso excluded from the contest due to a direct red card , guilty, in his view, had put "too hard to commit the foul." So against a Parma Massa Marittima some "invented" struggled to find an identity and find holes in defense and attack after 10 minutes of the game the score was 4 to 1 for white - blue Tuscan. Slowly the Parma could recover up to win by 7 to 6. The first match of the afternoon saw the yellow and blue face again, after about 10 days, School Handball Modena. Once again, the Gialloblu started under the partial, this time even 6 to 1! Gradually the Parma shortened distances up to be on 9 to 8 for the cousins \u200b\u200bto about 3 minutes to go, and in these 3 minutes Parma wrong at least three shots easier and when there was nothing to be done, a ball recovered in mid-field allowed the Gialloblu to get even a few seconds from time. The partisans, however, not satisfied with knowing that at this point has a goal difference start to do calculations to see how many goals difference are used to finish first. They are missing the game with 20 and Poggibonsi. The final score says Parma Poggibonsi 26 and 4, and so the yellow and blue won the tournament.

In una giornata che non ha visto una grande pallamano da parte dei nostri ragazzi, vanno sottolineati i progressi di Ricaldi e Vulpe nonché il carattere e la voglia di vincere di tutto il gruppo.

Gli atleti con i rispettivi gol, della Future VYP Cariparma: Vulpe, Ricaldi (4), Balestrieri (11), Mancuso (26), Stighezza (10), Salliu (11), Candiani (1), Cortesi (1), Calafiore (6), Pedrona (2).

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Daktacort Fungal Nail

Future VYP Cariparma won the first tournament of the season

Prima uscita ufficiale della stagione per la squadra Under 14 di Mister Galluccio ed è subito vittoria sul suolo toscano. Dalle poche informazioni in nostro possesso sembra che i giovani ducali, partiti da Parma alle 7 di stamane Poggibonsi at a time, have shown great character. Draw with Modena but win the tournament for the best goal difference.
Congratulations to the boys and their coach.
Check out this blog chronicles the day.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hl-dt-st Dvdram Gh40f Review


tell the truth, if you think about all the work we did, the cleanliness and the reopening of the trails, the many events organized nature, the liberations, the schools visited, two floods, snow, birds that come and go during the season, etc, etc. ... it seems to me to be a century has passed since the day of ' opening of the Oasis Visitor Center . Here we are then to tell the way they did the days of ' Eurobirdwatching and OASIS FIRST BIRTHDAY!. Fortune has assisted us for the festivities, the weather held and we managed to play the widest range of activities that we had put in program. Once again the presence of volunteers has been crucial to the success del'evento. A Franca, the large order, and the various Stefani, Claudio , Orietta, Lunita, Daniela, Stefano, Hercules, Virgil, Vittorio HUGE THANKS!
But first things first.

Photographic Exhibition:
Saturday morning, attended by the Mayor of Arcola Livio
Giorgi and President of the Regional Natural Park of Monte Marcello -Magr to Walter Baruzzo was inaugurated "IMAGES OAS" , the first photographic exhibition of the oasis. In just three weeks we received 52 images divided into three themes: Birds, Macro, Habitat and suggestions river. The exhibition will be open to visitors until December, and visitors can vote the best pictures until 31 October.

educational workshop "Let's build a solar oven": the boys of 3 ° B Middle School Arcola accompanied by Emiliana Orlandi, Teacher and Head of Education, culture and environment of the town of Arcola, participated al laboratorio didattico "Costruiamo un forno solare" ideato e progettato dai soci Daniela Molteno , insegnante e il marito Stefano Natale , abile artigiano del legno.

Daniela e Stefano hanno fatto lavorare i ragazzi nella costruzione di uno speciale
forno solare utilizzando materiali semplici come scatole di cartone, carta di giornale, pellicola di alluminio e plexiglass, un forno in grado di cuocere davvero, come potete vedere dalle foto e raggiungere in condizioni ottimali i 160°C!

But even more impressive was seeing the solar oven according to family size, more like a spaceship to tell the truth, always the work of Stephen and Daniel. Do you think that was enough so the sun of October to bring the temperature of the cooking up to 240 ° C. E 'therefore did not take to cook a nice dish of apples that the kids are in four-and smudge quattrotto.

released two buzzards: As has become customary in the course of events and parties Oasis, were freed two beautiful specimens of buzzard ( Buteo buteo) from CRAS WWF Ronchi . The transport of animals and two their delivery has been entrusted to Dr. Claudio Grillo , volunteer and activist LIPU, who went in the morning at Wildlife Rescue Centre. The first buzzard, a large female, she was released from Guido and Martha, two young brothers partners LIPU of Genoa, the second buzzard, a male rather than combative, she was released from Dada Mark Arber and Mecani , two pupils of the 3rd B Middle School in Arcola.

Rinfresco vegetariano: essendo questa la " Settimana mondiale del vegetarianesimo " abbiamo pensato di offrire a pranzo diverse specialità vegetariane preparate dai nostri soci, accompagnate da fette di pane pugliese e f ormaggi biologici della cooperativa Casearia Val di Vara , grigliate dentro il forno solare!

Laboratorio nidi e mangiatoie:
il sabato pomeriggio si è svolto poi l'ormai classico educational workshop for building nests and feeding .

Award Junior Competition Spring Alive: At the launch of the Spring Alive project last March, the magazine ALI JUNIOR had launched a competition for the collection the largest number of sightings of the four species featured in the project: swallow, swift, cuckoo and white stork. A win were two young members of Genoa, Guido and Martha Callegari we invited you here to the oasis to compliment the large number of sightings made by them last spring. In their lot was a gift basket with plush, pins and a trough garden for children.
Eurobirdwatching 2010 2 and 3 October were the European day for the observation of autumn migration simultaneously celebrated in 27 European countries. Oasis LIPU Arcola attended organizing on Saturday and Sunday three river trips to collect data on migration, 20 species of birds observed including the sparrow hawk and the rare marsh harrier.

For the occasion, visit the Oasis for members of the Genovese LIPU delegate headed by Aldo Vener. The Genoese friends participated in the excursion on Saturday morning collecting many observations as part of Eurobirwathing.
Greetings to all and see you soon! David
Barcelona International Oasis Manager LIPU Arcola cell: 349.0956080