Hl-dt-st Dvdram Gh40f Review
tell the truth, if you think about all the work we did, the cleanliness and the reopening of the trails, the many events organized nature, the liberations, the schools visited, two floods, snow, birds that come and go during the season, etc, etc. ... it seems to me to be a century has passed since the day of ' opening of the Oasis Visitor Center . Here we are then to tell the way they did the days of ' Eurobirdwatching and OASIS FIRST BIRTHDAY!. Fortune has assisted us for the festivities, the weather held and we managed to play the widest range of activities that we had put in
program. Once again the presence of volunteers has been crucial to the success del'evento. A Franca, the large order, and the various Stefani, Claudio , Orietta, Lunita, Daniela, Stefano, Hercules, Virgil, Vittorio HUGE THANKS!
But first things first.
Photographic Exhibition: Saturday morning, attended by the Mayor of Arcola Livio
Giorgi and President of the Regional Natural Park of Monte Marcello -Magr to Walter Baruzzo was inaugurated "IMAGES OAS" , the first photographic exhibition of the oasis. In just three weeks we received 52 images divided into three themes: Birds, Macro, Habitat and suggestions river. The
exhibition will be open to visitors until December, and visitors can vote the best pictures until 31 October.
educational workshop "Let's build a solar oven": the boys of
3 ° B Middle School Arcola accompanied by
Emiliana Orlandi, Teacher and Head of Education, culture and environment of the town of Arcola, participated al laboratorio didattico "Costruiamo un forno solare" ideato e progettato dai soci Daniela Molteno , insegnante e il marito Stefano Natale , abile artigiano del legno.
Daniela e Stefano hanno fatto lavorare i ragazzi nella costruzione di uno speciale
forno solare utilizzando materiali semplici come scatole di cartone, carta di giornale, pellicola di alluminio e plexiglass, un forno in grado di cuocere davvero, come potete vedere dalle foto e raggiungere in condizioni ottimali i 160°C!
But even more impressive was seeing the solar oven according to family size, more like a spaceship to tell the truth, always the work of Stephen and Daniel. Do you think that was enough so the sun of October to bring the temperature of the cooking up to 240 ° C. E 'therefore did not take to cook a nice dish of apples that the kids are in four-and smudge quattrotto.
released two buzzards: As has become customary in the course of events and
parties Oasis, were freed two beautiful specimens of buzzard ( Buteo buteo) from
CRAS WWF Ronchi . The transport of animals and two
their delivery has been entrusted to Dr. Claudio Grillo , volunteer and activist LIPU, who went in the morning at Wildlife Rescue Centre. The first buzzard, a large female, she was released from Guido and Martha, two young brothers partners LIPU of Genoa, the second buzzard, a male rather than combative, she was released from Dada Mark Arber and Mecani , two pupils of the 3rd B Middle School in Arcola.
Rinfresco vegetariano: essendo questa la " Settimana mondiale del vegetarianesimo " abbiamo pensato di offrire a pranzo diverse specialità vegetariane preparate dai nostri soci, accompagnate da fette di pane pugliese e f ormaggi biologici della cooperativa Casearia Val di Vara , grigliate dentro il forno solare!
Laboratorio nidi e mangiatoie: il sabato pomeriggio si è svolto poi l'ormai classico educational workshop for building nests and feeding .
Award Junior Competition Spring Alive: At the launch of the Spring Alive project last March, the magazine ALI JUNIOR had launched a competition for the collection the largest number of sightings of the four species featured in the project: swallow, swift, cuckoo and white stork. A win were two young members of Genoa, Guido and Martha Callegari we invited you here to the oasis to compliment the large number of sightings made by them last spring. In their lot was a gift basket with plush, pins and a trough garden for children.
Eurobirdwatching 2010 2 and 3 October were the European day for the observation of autumn migration simultaneously celebrated in 27 European countries. Oasis LIPU Arcola attended organizing on Saturday and Sunday three river trips to collect data on migration, 20 species of birds observed including the sparrow hawk and the rare marsh harrier.
For the occasion, visit the Oasis for members of the Genovese LIPU delegate headed by Aldo Vener. The Genoese friends participated in the excursion on Saturday morning collecting many observations as part of Eurobirwathing.
Greetings to all and see you soon! David Barcelona International Oasis Manager LIPU Arcola cell: 349.0956080
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