Parma wins in a game that "resembled" the handball
Sunday, 21/11, at 9.15, is staged at the blade Bursi Rubiera of the race between the Secchia and Parma.
The game itself is not much to say after 5 minutes, 5 yellow and blue lead to 0 (although, to be fair, the hosts have brought on 5 to 4 after a time- called out by Mr. Venturi) and half time is winning 11 to 5.
E 'dutiful but record the fact that arbitration has totally affected the game: we often feel free di lamentarci degli arbitraggi, anche quando magari faremmo meglio, come si suol dire, a guardare prima in casa nostra, ma la conduzione di domenica è stata inquietante.
Delle 11 reti segnate nel primo tempo dai parmigiani, 7 sono in contropiede e 1 su rigore: questo perchè, spesso, nelle altre azioni venivano fischiati passi da fantascienza o sfondi per interventi puliti sul braccio. Anche i padroni di casa hanno sicuramente da lamentarsi, infatti l'arbitraggio non è stato affato "di parte".
Ora ci chiediamo: se in una partita, anche della stessa categoria, importante per la classifica, ci si dovesse ritrovare un arbitro del genere e magari perdi perchè "ti distrugge" tutto quello that you have made during training, with those if they should take the guys who work hard every week at the gym?
Unfortunately that Sunday is anything but an isolated case and the problem is not the arbitrators.
We believe we speak for many companies, we are the first to know that we are part of a minority sport and we are lacking in teaching our kids compared to other countries, but that does not mean we deserve referees assolutamante unable, before being sent into the field, should be decent shape (the exact term, in this case, it would be "properly", but anyway we will be satisfied with decent). We would not
never thought of having to tell our kids: "Stop making the change of direction for there to be steps in automatic.
With these conditions we could attend a better game?
For the record the encounter is over 22 to 11 for the yellow and blue with the shields Vulpe.
FUTURE Cariparma VYP: Vulpe, Ajolfi, Allodi (1), Balestrieri (7), Calafiore, Cortesi, Mancuso (5), Oppici (8), Pedroni, Stighezza, Salliu (1). Coach: Galluccio
SECCHIA HANDBALL: Ramda, Bargo, Carmeli, Chiesi, Ferretti (4), Mammi, Montanari (1), Christmas, Orlando, Lounge, Soncini (4), Giberti (1), Jendoubi (1). Coach: Venturi.
(pictured Valerio Calafiore)
commitment Next Wednesday, November 24 at the Pala Del Bono, 18:45, v Casalgrande Spallanzani, COME!
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