Again so cold and so many brave volunteers, I would say the "hard core" of the Oasis (Hercules, Franca, Valter, Donatella, Orietta, Paul and Claudio). talking with passers-by of the initiative was not easy, people are always rushing and intimidated by the demand for money, forced during the Christmas period for a real banquet slalom between benefits of various kinds.
But the theme of this year we had to so focussed on the fact raising money to fund and support projects of the 30 Oasis LIPU of Italy.
is why our main objective was to raise awareness of the young Oasis Arcola, his projects and work so far carried out over a small photographic exhibition that better than many words explaining the different management activities.
Sunday then we tried to attract people by setting up a banquet with

Sales were similar to those of last year. To make a difference this year was the mega-purchase of Claudio (200 euros of lentils, pasta and wine!) On behalf of friends and relatives, Bravo Claude!

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