Despite the rain that has marred a bit 'discouraging the party a number of potential volunteers and making cleaning difficult, it can be said that the initiative has reached its goal thanks to the presence of a hard core of volunteers consisting of men and women of the Civil Protection of Arcola and the Green Cross arcolana , people used to operating in all weather conditions as during the recent flood of December or during the earthquake of Abruzzo in 2009.
Sunday then, after a few minutes in a marquee set up working as a refectory and mobile kitchen units, volunteers, and in quite a festive atmosphere were scattered along the paths of the oasis in the bush of the forest and alluvial St. Genesius armed with gloves, rakes and garbage bags in an open season on wild waste.
end of the day is the outcome harvesting on an area of \u200b\u200babout 3 hectares 23 bags full of bottles, plastic packaging, polystyrene containers used in agriculture, ceramic toilet, a gas cylinder, a motor, plastic sheeting, an incredible number of cans of beer.
hazardous waste were also found for health: a tank with several gallons of used oil, a tin with 5 l of diluent several batteries of mobile phones, cans with substances not clearly identified. Finally, the collection of recyclable materials and bulky ones was performed the next day by ACAM.
Beyond the quantitative result, the real value of this day is to be found in the spirit of collaboration between voluntary sector and local administration of Arcola, The City of Arcola was instrumental both in the organization is actively involved in collection activities were present in addition to the fact Mayor Giorgi, other advisors and counselors Hello Alessandro with responsibility for Civil Defence, the Ministry for Environment and productive activities Roberto Colombo, the Councillor for Education - culture and youth policy Emiliana Orlandi,
were present for the Cross Green Arcola: Straits Augustus, Head of civilian fire protection group, Bellazzini Elena, Elisa Dalpadullo, Pardu Scarlett with her two children, Sabrina Carmè, Bonatti Augusta.
The ambulance crew consists of intensive care units: Beretta Alessandro, Luca Coppola, plus 2 other volunteers.
The Association for Civil Protection and Environment Lunezia that with volunteers, as well as participate in the collection, prepared the mess tent and prepared dinner
The Public Assistance Humanitas Romito Magra1914 onlus
were present for the Park of Monte Marcello Magra-: Guard the park Luciani and Antonio Paganini Moreno
Voluntary Ecological Guards were present for the Province of La Spezia: Girotti Anselmo, Centofanti Constantine, Marcello Giorgi, Piero Ricciardi
were eight volunteers Oasis: Claudio Grillo, Franco Donati, Richard Montali with the family complete (wife and two daughters) and two family friends Montali.
Oasis LIPU thanked all the speakers contributing to the success of the day.
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