Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Future VYP Cariparma Under 14 draws and keeps unbeaten record in the standings and starts

What a game guys! This evening Pala Del Bono handball strong hearts. Marconi Jumpers Parma hosted the second in the standings with the only defeat in the first round, just against gialloblù for one goal. We had to win or at least draw to keep the record. And in the end 30 to 30 , certainly the most just result for the values \u200b\u200bexpressed in the field, press the guys at Parma.
But that game, once again.
not we now enter into a technical commentary that is available in the coming days. We just want to give you some hints of the pleasure we felt at seeing two boys teams play at that level and suffering which, by fans, has been with us until the final siren.
Parma closes in the first instance where advantage has certainly shown something more than the opponents. In the second half, however, is often reached and exceeded. 6 minutes from the end, on 24 to 24, Parma is in the field with only 4 athletes because two exclusions from 2 minutes, but the small gialloblù keep well, and even earn a penalty that brings them to advantage. Then, to the end will be only coming to dominate the Jumpers to 40 seconds from the end with a one goal advantage and the ball available for the attack. But the attack fails and Parma will have the opportunity, within 18 seconds remaining, to seek balance. And so, at 4 seconds from the siren Oppici Bags equalizer that keeps Parma in testa alla classifica.
Festa grande in campo e sugli spalti con qualche occhio lucido che si intravede.
Un grande ringraziamento a tutti i ragazzi e al loro allenatore che ci hanno permesso di assistere alla partita più bella ed emozionante della stagione. Ed un applauso anche ai ragazzi del Marconi, anche loro fortissimi.


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