Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Make Your Own Wrestling Figure


Che differenza passa tra uno scricciolo e un pettirosso? Chi sono tutti quei uccelletti che ogni mattina cantano, ognuno con un proprio verso, sotto la tua finestra? Chi ha costruito quel nido così strano? Quale tecnica e quale macchina fotografica è meglio utilizzare? Come mi devo comportare se trovo un uccello ferito o un pulcino caduto dal nido?
Il corso che proponiamo, rivolto soprattutto ai
principianti, proverà a rispondere a queste ed ad altre domande, grazie all’intervento di appassionati ornitologi. Ogni argomento verrà affrontato in due momenti: a lecture, supported by videos, pictures and drawings, and some practice on the field to be expert in the recognition and observation of birds (birdwatching) through their tracks, the songs and calls, the migratory behavior, foraging, courtship and nesting . To participate no special scientific knowledge and is recommended be equipped with binoculars, not necessarily of high quality (we have still some available).
Friday, March 25: 18:00 to 20:00 hours , lecture. The tools of the trade , binoculars, field guides, equipment. Birds in city birds as indicators of the urban environment.
Saturday, March 26: 14.30
, public park, hike the hills of
Gaggiola, La Spezia

Friday, April 1: 21:00 to 22:00 hours
lecture, sea birds and aquatic Saturday, April 2: 14.30, marine and water birds, a trip Mouth di Magra e Tenuta di Marinella

Venerdì 8 aprile:
ore 21.00, lezione teorica, le migrazioni degli
uccelli con particolare riferimento al nostro territorio
Domenica 10 aprile:
ore 14.00 escursione ad anello nel Parco Naturale
Regionale di Montemarcello-Magra con partenza dal Centro visite dell’Oasi (Oasi-Fornola-Battifollo)

Sabato 16 aprile:
ore 18.00-20.00, lezione teorica, uccelli dei boschi,
di campagna e della macchia mediterranea. I canti come metodo di riconoscimento. Domenica 17 aprile: 9.00, full day excursion, observe the birds in the Regional Natural Park of Monte Marcello-Magra: listening to the songs and their use for the surveys in the Mediterranean area. Sent Zanego No. 1-M. Branzi.

Friday, April 29: 18:00 to 20:00 hours
lecture, first aid
birds injured or in distress.
Saturday, April 30:
morning visit to the CRAS "The owl" loc.
Ronchi Marina di Massa

Friday, May 6: 21:00 to 22:00 hours
birds of the mountains

Sunday, May 8:
full day excursion in the Val di Vara
on High Street from the Ligurian mountains Pass Casoni

Saturday, May 14: 6:00 p.m. to 20:00 hours , photographing birds in nature,
materials, equipment and photographic technique
Sunday, May 15: 9.00
, hiking with Oasis LIPU Arcola
practice nature photography

must sign up by Sunday, March 20, 2011 directly at the Oasis Visitor Center in Arcola LIPU days Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 to 12.30 and 14.30 17.30, or by sending an email to oasi.arcola @
Place of course
The lectures will be held at the Oasis Visitor Center in Arcola LIPU loc. San Genesio Arcola
Registration fee
LIPU Members: 20 € For non-members membership required mandatory association plus payment of the fee participation: membership card € 25 € + 20 LIPU enrollment member youth (14-18 years): 18 € Regular Member: 25 €
For more information:
Cell : 349.0956080 mail: oasi.arcola @


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