"I have been working as technical adviser of the court for over twenty years, work that was born almost by chance when, with the advent the new Criminal Procedure Code was included this figure of the expert, as per Articles 359 and 360 which give the prosecutor the opportunity to use with any technical expertise when must make some important activities. I'm sorry if I forgot Martelli. Cossiga has reminded me, just the new Code of Criminal Procedure promulgated President Cossiga places this figure is a modern shape, which is in most civilized and advanced jurisdictions. Whereas before the prosecutor was limited and had to rely exclusively special investigations of the Judicial Police, the new code has provided these figures and these possibilities.
So for the ascertainment of truth in criminal trials - finding the truth also means finding the truth in favor of the suspect or defendant - the prosecutor non ha limiti nella scelta delle professionalità di cui si deve avvalere. Io ho fatto questa attività all'interno del Dipartimento della Pubblica sicurezza.
Abbiamo svolto importanti attività con Arnaldo La Barbera, con Giovanni Falcone, poi sulle stragi. Quando si è reso necessario realizzare un contributo esterno per il Pubblico Ministero, contributo che fosse scevro da influenze del potere esecutivo, mi riferisco a indagini su colletti bianchi, magistrati, su eccellenti personalità della politica, il Pubblico Ministero ha preferito evitare che organi della politica e del potere esecutivo potessero incidere in quelle che erano le scelte della pubblica amministrazione presso la quale i vari soggetti operavano.
Nel fare questo I made a choice of professional conduct, to take a step back, that is to give up his career, giving up the salary, to dedicate all my work in the service of the judiciary. This choice, instead of being appreciated, has been used by my detractors, who until yesterday (Thursday February 26, note) I was attacked in parliament, on the contrary.
Minister Brunetta said, and could not report that the grant of unpaid, which I had asked was perfectly smooth, was examined by various state organs, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Civil Service and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers has granted even the Presidency of the Council Berlusconi's ministers who attacked me in a manner so violent and so absurd nonsense of saying that Italians have made me laugh because all this can-can moves towards me, this national peril, that is, a person who for twenty years working with judges and prosecutors in mafia trials, massacres, murders, mafia and politics major who have been held in Italy, represents a danger.
definitely a danger for them! For all those who have attacked me. Why then the nice thing (for now I am shut up, because it is clear that I can not speak, I am bound to secrecy) but I scompiscio laughing because all the journalists who mi hanno attaccato, da Farina a Luca Fazzo a Lionello Mancini del Sole 24 ore, al giornalista della Stampa Ruotolo, sono i soggetti protagonisti delle vicende di cui mi stavo occupando. Questo è l'assurdo!
Gli stessi politici che mi stanno attaccando, sono gli stessi protagonisti di cui mi stavo occupando. Da Rutelli a Martelli, Martelli che ho conosciuto ai tempi di Falcone. Parliamo di persone che comunque sono entrate nell'ottica della mia attività. Martelli quando i computer di Falcone furono manomessi, Rutelli perché era amico di Saladino ed usciva dalle intercettazioni di Saladino, Mastella per le evidenze che tutti sappiamo e così via, poi dirò quelli che ieri (giovedí 26 febbraio, ndr) hanno parlato alla Camera at question time, the journalist who made the statement, things to laugh! Among other things they do not even have the decency to bring up another person.
No, they appear in person! Knowing that they were entering a full survey. This is absurd. I still laugh because the Italian people that truly sees the big spoiler, which was intercepted all Italians, but for what I was going to intercept the Italians? To be told that they can not get to the end of the month? To hear that children have lost their jobs or are unemployed? That there is an economic crisis? Why did I have to go to intercept the Italians? But what are these Italians Gioacchino Genchi who are afraid of?
Those who are afraid of Gioacchino Genchi are those who have a guilty conscience, and those who have a guilty conscience are the ones who attacked me. And with this attack have come to confirm the suspicions I had about them. Indeed, more than those of which I myself had not noticed, because to be honest, I had probably underestimated the role of investigation Rutelli Why not.
Rutelli has shown probably to have the wet coal and therefore behaved as they did. When will the truth be made clear what were the relations with Saladin Rutelli, what were the reports of Senator Mastella, the role of child del senatore Mastella, chi utilizzava i telefoni della Camera dei Deputati... chiariremo tutte le cose, dalla prima sino all'ultima. Questa è un'ulteriore scusa perché loro dovevano abolire le intercettazioni, dovevano togliere ai magistrati la possibilità di svolgere delle intercettazioni considerati i risultati che c'erano stati, Vallettopoli, Saccà, la Rai eccetera, la procura di Roma immediatamente archivia senza problemi però apre il procedimento nei confronti del dottor Genchi su cui non ha nessuna competenza a indagare, perché la procura di Roma c'entra come i cavoli a merenda in questa vicenda. C'entra perché l'ex procuratore generale di Catanzaro ormai fortunatamente ex, ha utilizzato questi tabulati come la foglia di fig tree to cover all his misdeeds and then used them as a parachute for not letting them in Catanzaro, where probably the new attorney general would have immediately sent to Salerno. Because in those tabulated
there is evidence of their criminal responsibility. Not mine. So, do not send them to Salerno who was responsible, not send them to the public prosecutor of Catanzaro would know that of those tabulated and what was not sent them to the public prosecutor in Palermo, where I spent all My work sends them on to Rome that has nothing to do.
Then you go parachuting with these these tabulated and also the landing because it goes wrong in a power of attorney that no guesses nothing. Because, inter alia, those tabulations were concerned that the acquisitions of public prosecutors of the Republic of Rome! That we were investigating. So now the Public Prosecutor of Rome Repubbblica investigate me and magistrates of the Public Prosecutor of Rome. He repeated the scenario that was repeated between Salerno and Catanzaro, and has repeated the scenario that had happened between Milan and Brescia at the time of the investigation of Di Pietro. The only difference then known Gico the body that made those assets, now called Ros, but basically nothing has changed.
Ultimately I say that I am still confident in justice. They tried to put everyone against, tried say for example, when there was a relationship of collaboration with the Milan prosecutors, even among de Magistris and the prosecutor in Milan, a personal friendship between de Magistris and Spataro, which were acquired in the tabulated Spataro. Absurd! There has never been such a case. Not for idea! How do you remove a de Magistris associated with the support of the judiciary? Let's say you took the printouts Spataro. How do you put the CSM against de Magistris? Let's say you took the printouts Mancino. Now the
Ros tabulated say that I got there, I do not know how many users of the Superior Council of Magistracy. We have not acquired printouts of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Magistrates are we acquired the printouts, and those, yes, we have acquired some judges including some of the national anti-Mafia prosecutor precise, two, only two, who have contact with the Council of the Judiciary.
has investigated the Quirinale! But when ever? But if someone has called or Quirinale, was called by the person we dealt with properly, you need to see who had contact with the Quirinale these people, but I have not acquired the printouts of the Quirinale. Apart from that if it was done was absolutely legitimate activity because it is clear, the investigations in Italy can not be done only with regard to toxic and maybe they are also immigrants, or those who land on Lampedusa in respect of which you can do everything, including the creation of concentration camps.
The law is equal for all. We are all subject to the law! Why is clear. Must understand. At a time when these gentlemen will dare to touch only from a distance, albeit with a feather, these guys rise up and destroy lutte people who only have the courage to do the job.
The Italians have understood this. And they realized that this referred to Dr. Jenkins said the worst things of this world ... and I now publish all my work, first to the last, I will publish all judgments of the Court of Cassation, the Courts of Appeals, the Court of Assizes, courts that have inflicted hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years in prison with my work.
But the sentences of which I am most proud of are not the judgments of conviction, but the acquittals! Those people are unjustly accused for the wrong job, also made by Ros, who were acquitted due to my job and faces a life sentence! And they were in prison. Arrested because they had also mistaken the owner of a phone card. And now these same gentlemen are accusing me of having done the same work they ... but there is no completely!
All these lies and a whole series of nonsense put together that have been superfluous even in an organism that is the Copasir! Who are required to staff safety watchdog, not the consultants and the magistrates who carry out activities on the security services! We found the collusion of members of the security services, with businesses working for the security services, working in the field of interception, which build barracks procurement by private data for millions of €, we were working on that! We were working on that and we were stuck because we had hands-on all of them! This is the truth.
This is the truth and now I also have the opportunity to say it because I suspect it is no longer bound to secrecy because I have to difendere! Mi devo difendere con una procura che non ci azzecca nulla con la competenza, la procura di Roma, mi difenderò alla procura di Roma.
Però sicuramente la verità verrà a galla! E non ci vogliono né archivi né dati perché sono tre o quattro cose molto semplici. Le intercettazioni di Saladino utili saranno una decina, quando fu intercettato prima che de Magistris iniziasse le indagini, ma sono chiarissime! E l'attacco che viene fatto nei miei confronti parte esattamente dagli stessi soggetti che io avevo identificato la sera del diciannove luglio del 1992 dopo la strage di via D'Amelio, mentre vedevo ancora il cadavere di Paolo Borsellino che bruciava e la povera Emanuela Loi che cadeva a pezzi dalle mura di via D'Amelio number nineteen where the bomb exploded, the same people, the same subjects, the same story that I am now then I found!
No one has said I am crazy. In fact, I'll be dangerous, but they are terrible crowds did not tell anyone. Well then what I say is not the word of a madman because I prove all these things. And this is an opportunity for there to be a showdown in Italy. Starting with the massacre of Via D'Amelio and the Capaci massacre. Why is this collusion between the state apparatus, intelligence, people of ill repute and people of politics, it is good that the Italians are beginning to know what it was. "
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