I VALENTI our Ministers, the "penny" of the Prime Minister / King have promptly responded to the looming crisis with the exemplary measures to mitigate the perception of discomfort in citizenship . Fine words, eh? But we see in detail what has provided to our aid the self-referential and self-proclaimed regime.
Our beloved prime minister never misses a chance to stay in the video to make propaganda and waving billion ... before was 20, then 40 but now, he said, may well reach 80 with the "European funds" . No disputing what he says, any journalist who dares to ask him a question. Everything he says is taken for good. Well ... let's see how to use them then.
, the Council of Ministers scheduled for Friday on the ads you should switch the facts. But the pie is ready, in fact, despite the dire situation, the Silvio promises measures to support the car, components, appliances and a "mysterious" consumer credit.
E'infatti known that the first thing he does is a NATIONAL CRISIS IN change the car or, alternatively, buy a good fridge. If you think well of course to encourage consumption, causing the family USELESS to borrow even more. A recipe that even the most naive student of economics would dare propose. Moreover, I personally felt the friend of Silvio, that Scajola (what you do is done at our expense by a scheduled flight home) to say in that video, text words, "Italy has the highest public debt in Europe MA Italian citizens have the highest Private warehouses in Europe. "
E 'therefore very clear that consider our upstream savings as an inexhaustible resource to be plundered. 's not all ...
In fact, I do not know if you know that our health minister Maurizio Sacconi, who has a wealth due to his medical degree in law, the Secretary, always salute, Eugenia Roccella, munita di indiscutibile idoneità conferitagli da una laurea in lettere moderne, e l'altro sottosegretario alla salute, tale Francesca Martini, anch'essa gravata dal peso di una lunga esperienza medica derivata da una laurea in lingue straniere, hanno pensato "insieme alle società scientifiche e ai chirurghi plastici, di produrre delle linee guida in cui si vieti l'impianto di protesi mammarie alle ragazze sotto i 18 anni"
In barba alla potestà genitoriale, alla libera disponibilità del proprio corpo, e all'autonomia del medico. E questo sulla scia delle polemiche nate intorno a Cristina Del Basso, concorrente del Grande Fratello.Non c'è che dire, questo governo affronta in maniera immediata tutte le problematiche più importanti.
Sì, sì, sì... Sono proprio tranquillo...
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