Monday, February 16, 2009

Porch For Travel Trailer



Brrrrrrrr ... latest information and knowledge is particularly "scary". I noticed that I often find some piece of Tigga like a show or a variety. Thus, to detach a bit from reality ... One species, a bad copy of the old "Portobello" (with many apologies ad'una of the few programs worth remembering), a melting-pot of useless, a colorful kaleidoscope of crap mixed with some news alert therapeutically appropriate social and dished to stupid people listen. Nothing to do with the true information. Yes, ALL that information to which they are entitled to at least be able to prepare to face the tsunami will come and that even now "they" can no longer hide ...

(ANSA) - MILAN, FEBRUARY 16 - The current economic crisis could 'lead to a situation of''social'' disaster. It and 'convinced Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi . E'''based on fear - the minister said - that the crisis could lead to social disaster, with voltages in the most' life of the country such as Lombardy, the rich and the northeast of Turin durable goods.'' Sacconi then stated as the fundamental criteria of stability'', 'liquidity' and employability ' .

Clearly Sacconi nice big face who says these things do not you send him to ruin your lunch digesttione. We leave you calm, you tell the hostess of the big brother does not know who to give it, that Australia is burning, who won re silvio in Sardinia and then the "story" continues, soon there while sanremo 'inter flies. These are the Tigga, while I would like to know that ...

Police with garage

"In Rome and Naples, 500 / 2 stops"

ROME - Cutting funds on security: the Interior Ministry block the repair of police vehicles. The investment earmarked for 2009, in fact, just enough to refuel.

I wish they told me, while dealing with gagging interception and immunization various capicosca, impersonating these obscene acts as interventions to improve the justice which it is, the JUSTICE, the real capital, which should ensure that it is making ... as above and as follows ...

February 16, 2009
Rome. "The risk is paralysis of the offices of attorney especially in the South and if you go on like this you will arrive at the total shambles." E 'alarm that launches Luca Palamara, chairman of the National Magistrates, commenting on the data recently collected by the CSM. A total of twenty proxies in which at least half of the lacks provided substitutes. Among these Vercelli, Aosta, Cream, Casale Monferrato, and Brescia (proxy for children). "So - again emphasizes Palamara - not only will be impossible to investigate and processes to large criminal organizations, but also to those responsible for crimes common concern in society, from pedophilia to sexual violence" ;.

There are many of these signs, I prefer to continue to catch them. Maybe I look like a fool or someone who wants to do that who knows. Actually I do not own anything, I'm "the window" with eyes open and try to dodge the wave of shit when it arrives. Who in those moments sarà "distratto da altro" rischierà qualche disgustosa boccata se non sarà lesto ad uscirne... Magari, e me lo auguro, toccherà a qualche milione di anestetizzati teledipendenti svegliarsi "con la bocca piena". Per questo l'unico invito che faccio sempre a tutti quelli che conosco e a cui voglio bene è quello di INFORMARSI, e non importa se credono o no a quello che scrivo o dico io o che scrive qualcun altro. Quello che è importante  è avere la VOGLIA di leggere e capire, verificare le fonti, le cifre, i dettagli che CAMBIANO i FATTI. Non prendere per oro colato le statistiche menzognere which are always interpreted "to the system." Always try to know what happened, FATEVELO NOT SAY.

Today you can ... if you do not then do not tell me that you did not know!

PSDue nuclear-powered submarines, one French and one English, have clashed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, apparently without damage to the nuclear facility, but with striking ... dented the bodywork.

PSS E intanto, dopo aver cominciato "sommessamente" (ma non troppo) a sdoganare il termine "NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE" financo nel nostro pulcioso paesello (vedi Napolitano, D'Alema e Tremonti), la stampa americana comincia a far TRAPELARE (ihihihihih) "ipotesi" sull'adozione dell'AMERO di cui, ricordo, si parla da quasi 2 anni (vedi Hal Turner). Ce stanno a fa fessi... come sempre.{D10536AF-F929-4AF9-AD10-250B4057A907}&dist=TNMostRead


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