Primary School Romito challenge the cold!
Here are the children of the 2 ° A and 2 ° B
School Primary Romito Magra engaged in the preparation of the Christmas pine cones, pine cones stuffed with special seeds, dried fruit and fat that children hang on the branches of trees in the courtyard of their school to help redstarts, birds, dancers, tits, blackbirds, etc.. to overcome this difficult winter.
Small LIPU aides were accompanied by teachers Gloria Rama, and Carla Orlandi Silvia Schiaffini defying the strict indoor and outdoor temperature: -4 ° C inside the Visitor Center!
There are six classes of the school Romito that so far we have come to visit during the month of December to attend the educational workshop and learn along with volunteers from the LIPU (Hercules, and Franca Orietta) to build from scraps of pine boards for titmice nests, feeding and shelter for small birds during the winter are close to our homes and yards. A project planned in agreement with the teachers throughout the school and with the Department of Education - culture and youth policy of the City of Arcola
, Emiliana Orlandi, a project that hopefully will have its continuation in 2011 to return from Christmas holidays to be able to participate in all other schools in the municipality. Barcelona International Manager David
Oasis LIPU Arcola