Even today, a news story. Among the many notes of the news there would be a NEWS ...
It 's the news for the umpteenth time the parliament has chosen the Mafia rather than the status.
Basically it happened that, in SILENCE OF THE MEDIA IN GENERAL RULES, in recent days, our dear "are ladies of strain" have said no to the resignation of a member of ForzaItalia, the State Secretary for Economic Nicola Cosentino, accused by you regret "skirt" Casalesi Camorra clan.
Well, it seems that, although thanks to the absence in the majority, the opposition could have sent the Honourable IN CAGE "Casale", the PD, it would be granted with the PD-L in exchange for mass abstention of "a barrier to 4% for the European elections". So in exchange for CERTAINTY OF SEATS we held a mafioso SECRETARY OF STATE. This is politics.
I have no words. I write the names of the culprits. I will send an email to each of their anger. Offend them heavily, at least as much as they have offended me and my popular sovereignty.
Members voted against: Capano and Sposetti. (The only honest)
abstained Members: Bachelet, Cuperlo, Parisi, La Forge, Bernardini, Madia, Mantini, Maran, Boccia, Capodicasa, Tanning, Coscioni, Ferrari, Giachetti, Ginefra , Marini, Mecacci, Recchia, Sarubbi, Schirru, Tempestini, Turkish, Mauritius, Vannucci, Viola, Zamparutti Zunino.
not have participated in the vote, although in the day were in attendance, Mr: Tenaglia (Shadow Minister of Justice), Calearo, Fioroni, Gasbarra, Lanzilotta, Enrico Letta, Morassut, Bobba, Sereni, Vassallo Merloni, Boffa, Bonavitacola, Bresso, Bucchino, Carra, Castagnetti, Corsini, Cuomo, D'Antona, De Pasquale, De Torre, Fadda, Ferranti, Fiano, Fiorio, Genovese, Giacomelli, Giovannelli, Gozi, Losa, Lovell, Lulli, Marantelli, Margiotta, Moscow, Murer, Narducci, Pedota, Small, Rose, Russo, Samperi, shoes, Servodio, Head, Vaccaro, Vassallo Vernetti, Vico. (the most "children's whore")
Members were absent: Veltroni, Bersani, Colannino, D'Alema, Lusetti, Melandri, Pistelli, Touadi, Ventura, Gentiloni Beltrandi, Calvisi, Cenni, Furio Colombo, Damiano, Gaglione, Luongo, Lusetti , Marroccu, Melis, Motta, Portas, Tullo, Calipari.
were "on mission" the Members: Fassino, Migliavacca, Bindi, Albonetti, Barbi, Farina, Rigoni.
once again will look good (in video above) as explained PURSE admixture between the Mafia and politics some twenty years ago. And after his death, things are not changed ... INDEED. They have consolidated, but on the wrong side. Among some time Pippo Calo's friends will also be your friends ...
Segnalo article from Reuters:
Eurispes - 86.3% against the Italians Alfano