Friday, January 30, 2009

How Do I Bake With Silicone Cupcake

Mafia in government. Another test ... The Mafia

Even today, a news story. Among the many notes of the news there would be a NEWS ...

It 's the news for the umpteenth time the parliament has chosen the Mafia rather than the status.

Basically it happened that, in SILENCE OF THE MEDIA IN GENERAL RULES, in recent days, our dear "are ladies of strain" have said no to the resignation of a member of ForzaItalia, the State Secretary for Economic Nicola Cosentino, accused by you regret "skirt" Casalesi Camorra clan.

Well, it seems that, although thanks to the absence in the majority, the opposition could have sent the Honourable IN CAGE "Casale", the PD, it would be granted with the PD-L in exchange for mass abstention of "a barrier to 4% for the European elections". So in exchange for CERTAINTY OF SEATS we held a mafioso SECRETARY OF STATE. This is politics.

I have no words. I write the names of the culprits. I will send an email to each of their anger. Offend them heavily, at least as much as they have offended me and my popular sovereignty.

Members voted against: Capano and Sposetti. (The only honest)

abstained Members: Bachelet, Cuperlo, Parisi, La Forge, Bernardini, Madia, Mantini, Maran, Boccia, Capodicasa, Tanning, Coscioni, Ferrari, Giachetti, Ginefra , Marini, Mecacci, Recchia, Sarubbi, Schirru, Tempestini, Turkish, Mauritius, Vannucci, Viola, Zamparutti Zunino.

not have participated in the vote, although in the day were in attendance, Mr: Tenaglia (Shadow Minister of Justice), Calearo, Fioroni, Gasbarra, Lanzilotta, Enrico Letta, Morassut, Bobba, Sereni, Vassallo Merloni, Boffa, Bonavitacola, Bresso, Bucchino, Carra, Castagnetti, Corsini, Cuomo, D'Antona, De Pasquale, De Torre, Fadda, Ferranti, Fiano, Fiorio, Genovese, Giacomelli, Giovannelli, Gozi, Losa, Lovell, Lulli, Marantelli, Margiotta, Moscow, Murer, Narducci, Pedota, Small, Rose, Russo, Samperi, shoes, Servodio, Head, Vaccaro, Vassallo Vernetti, Vico. (the most "children's whore")

Members were absent: Veltroni, Bersani, Colannino, D'Alema, Lusetti, Melandri, Pistelli, Touadi, Ventura, Gentiloni Beltrandi, Calvisi, Cenni, Furio Colombo, Damiano, Gaglione, Luongo, Lusetti , Marroccu, Melis, Motta, Portas, Tullo, Calipari.

were "on mission" the Members: Fassino, Migliavacca, Bindi, Albonetti, Barbi, Farina, Rigoni.

once again will look good (in video above) as explained PURSE admixture between the Mafia and politics some twenty years ago. And after his death, things are not changed ... INDEED. They have consolidated, but on the wrong side. Among some time Pippo Calo's friends will also be your friends ...

Segnalo article from Reuters:
Eurispes - 86.3% against the Italians Alfano

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blood Blister Whitemouth


How NOT know for sure (unless you inform yourself very well), there was a demonstration yesterday. It was sponsored and organized by the families of the victims of the Mafia.

national media coverage has been nil. Nothing to say about consistency ...

fact, for them the Mafia problem almost does not exist ...

However, there is a problem JUSTICE ... That is the latest financial programmatic cut by 40% funds to the Police and 50% of the funds to the tribunals. of 5Cdettaglio_news.tpl & = 20080714 & source = RPB = 191469 & codnews

They transferred all the magistrates who are investigating and really "immunized" Fantastic 4 col Lodo Alfano. And not content with sawing the legs to the possible investigation "regulating" (they say) the interception, Bread for the investigators.

I invite you to really watch the video above and listen with an open heart the words of Salvatore Borsellino. Do this 2 times. Listen with open awareness and let the words do the rest. No media in its reporting, or caused to listen. Are all true, from first to last, backed by FLOWER sources, just search. The news of the regime have instead focused only on the twenty-second in which that fine orator "that Di Pietro is rightly states that all silences are conspiratorial and mafias. First to the one who should ensure the constitution and instead leaves that are slaughtered in the streets.

NAPOLITANO Dorm. And it is a fact. And 'man of the system, placed artfully and efficiently play its role. He sleeps and glosses over everything except "monit" shit on each and every launch or attend "psalm" official. A kind of short puppet, but CI is 5 times what it cost to the British monarchy and 7 times what it cost to Elisha.

I know NAPOLITANO sleeping and sleeping, even when GASPARRI said that the judiciary is a sewer, and, by extension, also the chairman of the Judiciary, namely NAPOLITANO that always the same even when asleep BOSS wiped his ass with the Tricolor ITALIAN, and slept even when the Italian Parliament, in front of millions of viewers, stuck his middle finger in the ass of the republic. NAPOLITANO was sleeping when he signed the "Lodo Alfano" and was asleep when the Berlusconi government was entitled elected by a law that everyone has defined a real slut. NAPOLITANO still asleep.

I know that if we do not stop the new Mafia occult, Laue laws, which wants to take possession of public property, if not preventing the destruction of the country by the Visigoths MODERN PADANA ....... We have to prepare for the worst.

Vi segnalo volentieri, sempre in tema EMERGENZA GIUSTIZIA, un'intervista di qualche giorno fa all'ex-prefetto Serra (ora Senatore PD... ha fatto carriera pure lui) che ho sempre ritenuto una persona capace:

Qui sotto invece, per la serie "LA MEMORIA" vi invito a guardare in che modo il Vate della Libertà, Sivio Brogliusconi, DIFENDE l'amico Dell'Utri e l'eroe Mangano. Guardate anche voi con che nonchalance, con quale piglio, con che FANTASIA, con che perizia ricostruttiva, S.B. fa trasparire la bella figura di 2 MAFIOSI ACCERTATI, raccontando una fiaba che pare scritta da Andersen in persona... Mangano che portava all'asilo i bambini... che finesse !

Se l'avete guardato vi invito a riflettere su COME questa persona MENTE. E' veramente, veramente talmente convincente che quasi quasi ci crede anche lui. Anche Dell'Utri appare in imbarazzo al suo fianco. Mente sapendo di mentire, in mondovisione, smentito dai fatti, dalle CONDANNE per mafia dei suoi amici... ma è troppo, troppo più forte di lui... MENTE !

Noi siamo in his hands. Him in whose hands?

http:// / w / index.php? title = Marcello_Dell% 27Utri & oldid = 21506862

They are these.

Looking around, I do not want to be the usual pessimistic, just a moment ago the agencies have beaten this:

FRANCE: STRIKE GENERAL DISORDERS IN THE CENTER OF PARIS Paris, 29 January . - Evening in Paris 'degenerated into riots and clashes with security forces launched a general strike for today in the capital, as in other cities two hundred' of France, to protest against Nicolas Sarkozy's economic policy and crisis management by its global financial governance. The event attracted tens of thousands of people, most of which were limited to march peacefully .


do not know ... I do not know whether that will happen this time. But one thing I know ... I will continue to be with your ears open but ... I'm with the ear against the ground. How did the Indians, you will notice the herd of buffalo in Mad imminent arrival. And I hope they arrive ...

Monday, January 26, 2009

How Do You Beat The Last Part On Giza

A long wheelbase and lying flat ... CIVIL

Even today, as always, there are at least a couple of important news cleverly concealed by the regime press. Not completely obscured ... just a little bogged down. They are part of that kind of news that is better than no tadpole. It may appear too obvious contrast with the optimism professed by our beloved premier. You (and I do not mean of course to those who make the effort to read these lines from the internet) that you are happy every day to know that winter is cold and in summer often no, you just hear some family tragedy any sport or business to know the exploits of the great bound in brotherhood to call yourself informed ... You are the most guilty why do not you even try to change things. And, between us do good ... I tried several times, I wrote to many newspapers, many editors, many blogs. I asked for clarifications, explanations, I am outraged, angry and vented. No one has shit. But it's not their fault ... No one can cagarmi. I know that there are thousands of smart people, who understand the system, and protesting s'incazzano. The problem is always just the same ... a million voices in a hundred voices on heterogeneous uniform and powerful will easily prevail . Then interact with "them" is useless as well as impossible. The only thing I do is still possible to interact with you, my dear readers 4, and let you know that ...

FUN ... now it's official, the titles are ALITALIA paper.
I had suspected for some time but only now is Journal. Since this morning the stock market has made official the delisting. Their owners will have the illusion of a parzialissimo repayment, it is said, it seems, but not sure, should finance the city's "dormant accounts" that the government calls into question every time there is to "scrape the bottom of the barrel ". Pennies are dormant accounts and the state will SHAREHOLDER FRAUD euro cents.
but do not stop to enjoy ... because ... ICELAND AND 'DO IT!
Despite the usual suspects, those that "a state can not fail" ... she, the little Iceland, the paradise in which only a year ago the European Union invited us to take an example (I did a post about it) is upside down. The people have been right of the political class is corrupt THIEF (do you know other way?) And forced them to ALL RESIGN not before he had called a snap election. We'll see what will be done.
Then, because tomorrow is Remembrance Day, and will be a shattered civil systemic from morning to evening, I will not deny me un'opinioncina on which reels off willingly.
I have often wondered cos'avesse This "massacre" so different from the other massacres in history, so as to make it worthy of remembrance that others do not at all. And while the dead are equal. Like those of Extermination MADE by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia (70-80 years about 3,000,000 dead), the Tibetan people (currently in progress, more than 2,000,000 dead), the genocide of Armenians by the Turks work (more than 2,000 000 deaths and Turkey join the EU STILL WANTS to admit it this massacre), the genocide of the peoples of the Americas, the millions of death of communism and I could go on for long. So why the memory should affect only the Jews exterminated by the Nazis more than sixty years ago? (And with them, but he speaks about "smear" There were at least another 2-3 million people, including municipalities, ROM, HANDICAPPED etc.etc.) I have asked him, yes ... but even then I just said I realize that the Jews are rich, very rich, richer and control the world economy then it is right and we need to remember their dead and killed and not someone else ...
Oh well ... so I do not remember ever uncaz ... I figured if I remember the Jews.
OH! ... I remind you, if sometimes "lose the compass," that our PRESIDENT SENATE Schifani
was a friend, colleague, partner of NINO MANDALA ', BENNY JOSEPH D'AGOSTINO LOMBARDO and the good old days of SICULABROKERS!
Let's keep in mind when they fill the mouth LEGALITY '.
Just to refresh your memory ...
(but you really do not make you so angry to be taken for a ride?)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Best Moisturizer To Use With Tazorac


Segnalo STRONGLY reading this outing CIVIL Sonia Alfano, active citizenship in Rome is working to organize the event next Wednesday in support the families of victims of the Mafia and Magistrates MOVED in spite of the constitution.

In these lines there are many, many truths that I believe each of us can share. I do not know how many, maybe not all, but if you read carefully there are times that try We should never tolerate.

Watch the video above will be useful for a "refreshed" the concept of democracy.

"I know who sit in Parliament mafia, mafia friends, servants of mobsters, mafia protectors and they know a lot of prosecutors in Italy, many journalists and even many Italians, but not enough.

I know that the chairman of the Senate, Schifani, was a consultant to the municipality of Villabate when the same town was under the control of the clan Mandalà, and that the same boss Mandalà Schifani was a partner in Siculabrokers.

I know that the minister Alfano has kissed the boss Crocenapoli al matrimonio della figlia dello stesso boss di Cosa Nostra.Io so che Marcello Dell'Ultri, pregiudicato per vari reati, è stato condannato in primo grado per mafia e lo stesso Dell'Utri ha detto che Vittorio Mangano, stalliere di Arcore e mafioso, per lui è un eroe.

Io so che ci sono molti magistrati corrotti, mafiosi e amici di mafiosi che vanno a pranzo e a cena con i boss e con i cognati dei boss, eppure loro non sono stati puniti, ma premiati e promossi.Io so che l'Articolo 3 dice che tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono uguali davanti alla legge.

So, invece, che quattro cariche dello Stato hanno fatto di tutto per non farsi processare e sono al di sopra della legge.Io so che l'articolo 21 dice che tutti hanno diritto a manifestare liberamente il proprio pensiero con lo scritto e ogni altro mezzo di diffusione, la stampa non può essere soggetta ad autorizzazioni o censure.

So purtroppo che questo non è stato mai rispettato, so che non abbiamo una stampa libera e che tantissimi giornalisti sanno, fanno finta di non sapere, chiudono gli occhi e sono asserviti al sistema di potere.Io so che l'articolo 101 della nostra Costituzione dice che la giustizia è amministrata in nome del popolo e che i giudici sono soggetti soltanto alla legge e non all'abuso della legge o al potere politico.

Io so che Luigi De Magistris, Clementina Forleo, Attorney Apicella were transferred because they dared to investigate the powers that be, politicians, businessmen and friends on the politici.Io thought I had given this country what is the largest owned, my family , and instead I realize was probably a sacrifice negated even if done in defense of the rule of law. And it was thwarted by the establishment of this regime dittatoriale.Quando look at the flag I feel deep anger because I identify with the red dye it red with the blood of our cari.Ecco because for me the streets as well as a right is a duty, against those for our democracy has died. If we do not show this scheme all our indignation, in the absence of reaction, will feel entitled to trample on our dignità.Ecco why I urge all citizens who want to protest with us to the streets in Rome January 28 at 9 am in Piazza Farnese. "

Sonia Alfano

not trust what they tell the newspapers and television, always try to see beyond, the TRUTH 'is on hand, but we need a little effort. Andatel A LOOK , it's worth it. ONLY THE TRUTH 'will set you free, and make clear your conscience.

PS Today a great man, GIORGIO GABER, avrebbe compiuto 70 anni. Lo voglio ricordare con questo brano... Grazie Signor G.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fiber Strangulation Wire

Smoking in London ...

Anche oltremanica, nella perfida Albione, non è che se la passino granchè bene. Pare però che ALMENO e, ahimè a differenza nostra, i loro quotidiani ne parlino e che affrontino la cosa in maniera realistica. Senza commentare il contenuto vi segnalo qualche articolo pubblicato dalle loro più autorevoli testate sul DELICATO argomento dell'economia nazionale.
Io mi e gli auguro che non accada.

Dal Telegraph :
Gordon Brown porta la Gran Bretagna sull'orlo della bancarotta. Il Paese guarda il precipizio. Siamo a rischio della peggiore umiliazione, con Londra che diventa una Reykjavik sul Tamigi e l'Inghilterra che finisce sott'acqua. Grazie all'arroganza, alla presuntuosa incompetenza seriale del Governo e di un gruppo di banchieri, la possibilità della bancarotta nazionale non è irrealistica.
sell all the books you have. It 's over. One of the major global investors voice concerns of the market. Jim Rogers, co-founder of the Quantum with George Soros, told Bloomberg: "I recommend urgently to sell all the books you have. It 's over. I hate to say it, but would not put more money in the UK."
Le banche sono fottute, noi siamo fottuti, il Paese è fottuto. In privato, qualcosa di molto somigliante alla disperazione sta cominciando a serpeggiare nel governo. Dopo aver visto lo scivolone delle banche, un Ministro del Gabinetto inglese non scherzava quando ha detto: "Le banche sono fottute, noi siamo fottuti, il Paese è fottuto.

Nel frattempo, chi può permetterselo fa la spesa con gli spiccioli.
Come l'ennesimo oligarca russo che si è comprato il quotidiano inglese Evening Standard per appena una sterlina.

inform you also, in case you did not know, that after the Thai and the Greeks, even as the Icelanders have turned people CLAIMS RIGHT IN ITS SOVEREIGNTY 'PEOPLE, SHOULD ensure that every democracy.
But We sleep soundly, along with the one who watches over this "trifle", and the lessatissimo eminentissmo exponent of caste, Morfeo napolitano. Ronf... ronf... rroooooonfffff

Monday, January 19, 2009

Good Names For Poptropica

Another unfortunate day ...

Oggi è successo quello che molti non credevano fosse possibile, invece...
Qui, in itaglia, siamo su un altro pianeta, impermeabili e in assenza di gravità...
Non ho le capacità ne la conoscenza per spiegarvi dettagli, cavilli, procedure e tutto ciò che compone questo caso, però le ho lette, ho capito cos'è successo e ve lo dico con parole mie, prima di indicarvi un link dove poter assumere un pochino di verità (a piccole dosi, mi raccomando, e magari come faccio io... sotto sedativi).

E 'success that today the state (the political class), under pressure from the judiciary (investigation WhyNot soooooo accurate and "regardless" of the toes I step), gave birth to a loophole with which it has suspended a judge has transferred to other 4. Violate the Constitution (Articles I believe in 2) and breaking the de facto relationship with the intransigence of CSM. Well not wanting to (be?) Wait for the justice reform with its amendment of the Constitution, Silvio "has taken this freedom" ... well, a bit in advance ... ècchesarà ever?
Qui sopra e in ogni altro sito d'informazione LIBERO potete trovare una ricostruzione ALLA QUALE SAREBBE IL CASO DI ESSERE INTERESSATI, almeno possiamo essere testimoni di quello che sta accadendo e di come sta accadendo. Se ce lo ricorderemo, tra qualche anno, potremo tutti scrivere saggi su COME SI PREPARA UN REGIME OCCULTO e lo si fa prosperare sfruttando l'ignoranza.


A questo link una notizia molto succosa, oltre che PREOCCUPANTISSIMA ! Spero che la fonte non sia affidabile, I do not know much, but I invite you to take a look. Apparently one of the first tasks of the Obama presidency, will be to "chipped" the U.S. population. I really hope not because it would mean that "bad places" and for us ... speak of "match" the chippatura national health service, which would not be granted without the chip. It would be the end of all freedom '. And to be honest, the most catastrophic plans for world domination, this was always present between the estimates.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Disco 80 What To Wear

Russian gas.

I tried, not the cold that is, to understand better the situation dell'approvigionamento di gas dalla Russia. Non mi pareva possibile che la situazione fosse così semplicistica come i media CERCANO di "dipingerla" e, infatti, da quel che mi è parso di capire approfondendo un po, l'affaire è piuttosto complicato da problemi politici oltre che economici.
In Ucraina non hanno il becco d'un quattrino e grossi debiti verso la madre Russia quindi, pur volendo gli ucraini non possono comprare gas; PERO' i gasdotti che portano il gas a noi passano per l'UCRAINA, che si frega parte del nostro gas, facendo così rimanere bassa la pressione nei tubi (che si alzerebbe a sufficienza SE l'Ucraina comprasse e pagasse il proprio gas che, passando assieme al nostro darebbe correct pressure to the tubes).
Now ... Russia would and could solve it the "old way" ... that in half a day to invade Ukraine and bring it back to the fold, absorbing "the rags" Ukrainians in settling the debts and taking control of the situation. But it can not. Certainly not because it threatens the UN and Western response or can not afford it now that he tries to piece the look.
Then Putin, former KGB as well as fox pal Silvio, stalls and makes me feel a bit cool to the Ukrainians, just to "keep well" and, in view of the elections and to instill doubt that perhaps, perhaps were "almost" better than going back to be part of the empire. Furthermore, since Gazprom has a supply contract must be honored to many countries, and then Putin has quite a problem, use the Ukrainians as unwitting accomplice by the shell game where Russia has a deck (gas) e. .. guess who's the CHICKEN (paying)?
fact, Putin did not send the gas aggratis until Ukraine does not pay her and fuck us. Then he had a great idea ...

15/01/2009 20:28
Un consorzio tra Unione europea e Mosca per finanziare l'acquisto "tecnico"di gas russo che consenta di riprendere le forniture per l'Europa attraverso i gasdotti ucraini. E' la proposta fatta dal premier russo, Putin, all'Eni. Kiev rifiuta infatti di pagare il gas necessario a risollevare la pressione nei gasdotti. Se Ue e Russia lo acquisteranno da Gazprom, assicura Putin, il flusso riprenderà senza problemi. Da Mosca, l'Ad di Eni, Scaroni, ha detto che cercherà di formare il consorzio "temporaneo" per anticipare il gas necessario e recuperarlo dopo il perfezionamento dell'accordo Ue-Mosca-Kiev.

Quindi, mi pare evidente che, se andrà così, sarà solo l'EUROPA a pagare i debiti dell'Ucraina con un prestito "a babbo morto" e, il ruolo di "cavallo di Troia", sarà, guardacaso, dell'AMICA ENI. Mica male come scenario, anzi, indubbiamente stiamo assistendo all'attuazione di una politica di ricatto energetico (con tutte le implicazioni geostrategiche del caso) di cui forse non si era mai "saggiata" l'importanza.
In fondo le cose non sono troppo incomprensibili però c'è una cosa sulla quale non trovo materiale e non sento opinioni... ma i contratti con GAZPROM, inadempiente anche se non per proprio dolo, non prevedono delle penali ? In fondo i russi il gas ce l'hanno... che lo consegnino con delle navi o con delle cisterne corazzate... their facts, but there Arrivals OR GAS OR PAY THE PENALTY, by which we could then SUPPLY elsewhere. Another that "consortium" ...
This would be among the serious.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Synonyms Of A Brain Tumor

Religious ... A PRAYER!

Thinking back to the events of these days and being stumbled over the network in a splendid and comprehensive prayer, which I read some time ago already, I 'falls "attention to the fact that I hear that the recall was caused by the notorious HOLOCAUST CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS people looking ... and no one ever says that they were not even the same religious and compassionate Christian people to want to wash the conscience by sponsoring and supporting the STATE OF ISRAEL ...

But not, as would have been OK, by compensating the Jews of the terrible massacre done by the religious Christian people, constituting the State of Israel in Europe, including the charming Tyrolean mountains, taking a piece of a piece of South Tyrol + ' AUSTRIA + a piece of Germany, namely those who were the real culprits Holocaust

NO, what religious, humble and pious Christian people did it, relegating Israel in a stony desert and to pay for his guilt, in ever, a people that the Jews had never done anything avendoci coexisted for millennia.

Beautiful people ... and then, PRAYER:

You Christians, Jews and Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Shinto, and Adventists,
witnesses to this and that, Satanists and guru,
wizards, witches, and gurus, those
Wimp that cut the skin of children, those who sew the
pussy girls,
those who pray on their knees,
those who pray on all fours,
who pray with one leg,
those who do not eat this and that,
those who are shown with the right
those who are shown with the left,
those who vote for the devil disappointed by god,
those who pray to make it rain,
those who pray to win the lottery,
those who pray because it is not AIDS,
those who eat their god-made washers,
those who do not ever piss against the wind, those who do
alms to earn heaven,
those who stoned the scapegoat,
those who cut the throats of the sheep,
those who hope to survive in their children,
those who hope to survive in their works,
those who do not want to descend from monkey
those who bless the armies,
those who bless the hunt,
who begin to live after death

all of you who can not live without a father born without a father and
all of you who can not bear to be no more
that of earthworms with a brain,
all of you that you made a perfect God and
good but stupid, so petty, so bloody, so jealous, so greedy for praise as the stupidest, most petty, the bloodiest, the most jealous, the most avid of praise from you,
you, oh, you All:

do not bother my balls!
Make your salaams in the privacy of your cabin, shut the door firmly and certainly not corrupt our children.


Christykennedy Dating

winds of revolt? Stain ... the sleep of the righteous.

L'italia sta collassando dal punto di vista della produzione industriale del deficit pubblico, del lavoro e, tra poco pure dei servizi primari. E lo dicono "loro", oggi:

Una squadra di ladri, ma prima di tutto di INCAPACI, ha messo mano ad Alitalia, alla scuola, ai mercati, alla giustizia ... e non ha investito un euro. Stanno solo "prendendo", il premier e la sua cricca, che stanno ancora discussing the division of the spoils despite consumers being plunged to -40% and soon we will have thousands of people laid off (at best) and the closure of other companies.

All Italy should pose questions to the government, the parliament and then listen to the answers, pull cobblestones in the face. Instead
questions that the media now considered fundamental and relates only to the Operating and Capital Di Pietro, who is certainly not a saint but just as certainly not the cause of our ills.

point, the real challenge is launching the governmental structures, is to see the extent to which Italians are balls. I doubt that is really not being more 'questone's media empire or manipulation of information ... the substance seems to be very different and that is that we are a people made up the majority stragarande from thieves, idiots, sharp operators tricking and corrupt.

The contradictions are emerging more and more violent. And the Italian does not seem to notice anything. But the urgency of things grows. It's not just take your plate from under the nose, stop watching television. Why empty stomachs awakens consciousness. For pure self-preservation. E 'history.

L'italiano medio ha sopportato 20 anni di dittatura militare praticamente senza fiatare. Tranne i soliti quattro gatti (le avanguardie) l'italiano si metteva, buonin buonino, la camicia nera e tirava a campare. Quando si è ribellato ?

Quando le avanguardie hanno fatto breccia nel muro di bovina indifferenza eretto dall'italiano medio intorno a se, quando in Italia sono cadute le bombe, quando i figli ed i mariti partiti per una delle scampagnate organizzate dal duce sono tornati in una cassa di legno, quando i tedeschi da amici ed alleati sono diventati enemies and began to rape, to kill, steal and deported when there was more to eat and the food was on the black market.
Then the Italian has found that it can take up arms and break the bastards Fuck the fascist oppressors and hungry. Only then will the Italian found to hold quite a few chestnuts.

We have to wait a little longer because the hatred will grow (eg mica a good thing ...),
but that just the media "unworthy" and the lack of compliance all institutions, can counter and interrupt the sleep of the citizens, casting the movie of this beautiful world where the rich and consumerism expands and spending more 'than before, a new elite class VIP that, in spite of the growing poverty and ostentatious.
counting on this provocation continues to fuel the frustration and anger in the populace that, then yes, do not fall in place so far as he did, for the values \u200b\u200band protests, but only anger and envy class.
better than nothing.

P.S. Nel frattempo... se ci vogliamo guardare attorno...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Monique Parent Movies Watch Online

BOT, CCT e le "previsioni del tempo"...


Ho fatto un po di sana ricerca, ho letto e studiato, ho cercato come sempre di farmi un'opinione non PRECOTTA come spesso purtroppo si è portati a fare, avendo mille sirene che dicono tutto e il contrario di tutto su ogni argomento. Come dicevo credo di potermi sbilanciare in qualche infausta previsione cercando anche di dare qualche informazione UTILE a muoversi in questo periodo di grandi nebbie. L'argomento, purtroppo , è come spesso accade l'ECONOMIA, in particolare quella nostrana, quella dei BOT e dei CCT, beni rifugio dei risparmi di tanti, tanti italiani e di molti investitori della prima e dell'ultim'ora.

Ecco allora..., la situazione della garanzia sui depositi è questa :

Per vostra comodità (potrete poi verificare leggendo il testo completo al link qui sopra), vi riassumo quel che mi sembra important, namely that Article 27, which lists what is covered (and then reimbursed) and what is not is unfortunately all too clear.

are excluded from reimbursement, among other things:
-deposits and other repayable funds to bearer;
-bonds and debts arising from acceptances, promissory notes and securities transactions;

To me this seems unambiguous:
bonds of private banks and the Bank of Italy, more generally, all bearer shares are excluded from the guarantee fund and therefore, in a crisis will not be covered except to the extent percentage, certainly modest, made possible by the bankruptcy of the bank.

That said, I do not know if you know that a few days ago, two-thirds of auctions for the placement of German government bonds (by all accounts I PIU 'SAFE) went DESERTED. See what I mean?
know that all over the world to this crisis and to finance the liquidity crisis in banks 'real', it is estimated that in the early months of the year the states will issue approximately between 1.5 and 3 million billion in bonds.
whole paper, because the best games in the world if he is not cagati no!

Oh... magari mi sbaglio... anzi lo spero !

Comunque, sempre se non lo sapete, vi dico che ad Aprile, in Itaglia SCADRANNO circa 200 miliardi di euro di buoni del tesoro , DEBITO che lo stato cercherà di rifinanziare con l'emissione e la vendita di nuovi titoli. Riuscite da soli a immaginare cosa succederà se lo stato non riuscirà a collocare detti titoli... ? Si chiama INSOLVENZA dello stato, DEFAULT, FALLIMENTO, e ci sarà da ridere !

Questo governo NON ha un anno di vita davanti , forse la resa dei conti ci sarà molto prima del previsto e ci sarà da badare molto bene a non far oltrepassare la frontiera ai boiardi di Stato con pockets full of stolen goods 20 years of thievery. They all know this already and, in my opinion, are preparing to flee.
better if we begin to organize, THIS TIME NO ONE IS GOING OUT OF HERE ALIVE with the loot in your pocket!

Enjoy the show but ... were tuned!

PS I must point out (for those who had doubts about) a secondary notiziuola strangely published on the courier service bb3a-11dd-00144f02aabc.shtml Interesting no? You are there in the middle? Very often managers or directors or auditors of certain companies, are also present in very high positions in financial, fake "competitors", people who sell or buy from that company ... Self-referentiality of a system in which a privileged few are pretending to be in competition, but actually share the cake. Play on all tables at the same time. If and when it apparently lost at a table ... just because they have won 3 times as much to another tavolo.Il dealer wins anyway ... even if he loses. The Courier
of ownership and financial performance of the Courier never speaks? True?!?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lauren London Hair Weave

La coscienza a posto...

Come buon auspicio e in ausilio alla riflessione , a cui tutti dovremmo dedicarci almeno un poco, voglio iniziare il nuovo anno postando uno scritto di Italo Calvino, apparso per la prima volta su “La Repubblica” il 15 marzo 1980, ma che appare negli appunti dell’archivio Calvino con il titolo “La coscienza a posto”.

C’era un paese che si reggeva sull’illecito.
Non che mancassero le leggi, né che il sistema politico non fosse basato su principi che tutti più o meno dicevano di condividere.Ma questo sistema, articolato su un gran numero di centri di potere, aveva bisogno di mezzi finanziari smisurati (ne aveva bisogno perchè quando ci si abitua a disporre di molti soldi non si è più capaci di concepire la vita in altro modo) e questi mezzi si potevano avere solo illecitamente, cioè chiedendoli a chi li aveva in cambio di favori illeciti.Ossia, chi poteva dar soldi in cambio di favori, in genere già aveva fatto questi soldi mediante favori ottenuti in precedenza; per cui ne risultava un sistema economico in qualche modo circolare e non privo di una sua autonomia.
Nel finanziarsi per via illecita, ogni centro di potere non era sfiorato da no guilt, because for its internal morale, what was done in the interest of the group was legitimate, indeed praiseworthy, as each group identified its power to the common good, the formal illegality, therefore, did not exclude a higher sostanziale.Vero law is that in any illegal transaction in favor of collective entities is customary that a portion remains in the hands of individuals, in fair exchange for obtaining the essential services and mediation so that the offense for the internal moral group was lawful, he brought with him a fringe of offense for the morale.Ma to look good, the private who was in his pocket the individual tangent tangent on the collective action was sure to have made the individual self-interest in favor of collective self-interest, that could, without hypocrisy, convinced that his conduct was not only lawful but benemerita.Il country had at the same time also an expensive budget officer, fed by taxes on any legal business activity and those who financed lawfully lawfully or unlawfully could be financed.
Because in this country do not say no one was willing to go bankrupt, but also not to lose her (and not seen in the name of what you might expect someone rimettesse), public finance was used to legally incorporated in the name of the property comune i disavanzi delle attività che sempre in nome del bene comune si erano distinte per via illecita.La riscossione delle tasse, che in altre epoche e civiltà poteva ambire di far leva sul dovere civico, qui ritornava alla sua schietta sostanza di atto di forza (così come in certe località all’esazione da parte dello Stato si aggiungeva quella di organizzazioni gangsteristiche o mafiose), atto di forza cui il contribuente sottostava per evitare guai maggiori, pur provando anziché il sollievo del dovere compiuto, la sensazione sgradevole di una complicità passiva con la cattiva amministrazione della cosa pubblica e con il privilegio delle attività illecite, normalmente esentate da ogni imposta.Di tanto in tanto, quando meno ce it was expected, a court decided to enforce the laws, causing small earthquakes in some center of power and even arrests of people who had hitherto considered their reasons for impunibili.In those cases the dominant emotion, rather than satisfaction with the Revenge of justice, was the suspicion that it was a settling of accounts with a power center against another center potere.Così that it was difficult to determine whether laws were now usable only as tactical weapons and strategic interests in the wars between illegal or whether the courts to legitimize their institutional duties were to give credence to the idea that they were the centers of power and interests as all other offenses.
Naturalmente, una tale situazione era propizia anche per le associazioni a delinquere di tipo tradizionale, che coi sequestri di persona e gli svaligiamenti di banche si inserivano come un elemento di imprevedibilità nella giostra dei miliardi, facendone deviare il flusso verso percorsi sotterranei, da cui prima o poi certo riemergevano in mille forme inaspettate di finanza lecita o illecita.In opposizione al sistema guadagnavano terreno le organizzazioni del terrore che usavano quegli stessi metodi di finanziamento della tradizione fuorilegge e con un ben dosato stillicidio d’ammazzamenti distribuiti tra tutte le categorie di cittadini illustri e oscuri si proponevano come l’unica alternativa globale del sistema.Ma il their effect was to strengthen the system to become the indispensable prop and confirmed the conviction that the best possible system and not having to change nulla.Così all forms of abuse, from the most cunning to the most ferocious, the welded into a system that had a stability and consistency and coherence and in which many people could find their practical advantage without losing the moral advantage of being with a clear conscience posto.Avrebbero could therefore be said to be universally happy the people of that country had it not been for a still large group of citizens that it was not known what role: the honest.
were, they, honest, for some special reason (they could not rely on broad principles, neither patriotic nor social nor religious, who were no longer pending), were honest habit of mind, conditioning the character, nervous tics, in short, could not help it if they were so, if things were that their hearts were not directly measurable in money, if their head always work according to those prohibiting the mechanisms that link income to work, the estimation of merit and satisfaction of other people's satisfaction. In this country of people who felt always with a clear conscience, were the only honest people to become more scruples, to ask every time what should have been that fare.Sapevano fare la morale agli altri, indignarsi, predicare la virtù sono cose che riscuotono troppo facilmente l’approvazione di tutti, in buona o in mala fede.Il potere non lo trovavano abbastanza interessante per sognarlo per sè (o almeno quel potere che interessava agli altri), non si facevano illusioni che in altri paesi non ci fossero le stesse magagne, anche se tenute più nascoste; in una società migliore non speravano perchè sapevano che il peggio è sempre più probabile.Dovevano rassegnarsi all’estinzione? No, la loro consolazione era pensare che, così come in margine a tutte le società durate millenni s’era perpetuata una controsocietà di malandrini, tagliaborse, ladruncoli e gabbamondo, una controsocietà who had never had any claim to become "the" company, but only to survive in the folds of the dominant society and affirm their way of life for the principles enshrined in the face, and this gave of himself (at least not having too closely) a clear picture, happy and vital, so the honest controsocietà perhaps would be able to persist for centuries, alongside the current costume, which no other claim to live their diversity, to feel different from everything else, and maybe this way would come to mean something essential for everyone to be an image of something that they do not know the words to say, something that has not yet been said and still do not know what it is.