How NOT know for sure (unless you inform yourself very well), there was a demonstration yesterday. It was sponsored and organized by the families of the victims of the Mafia.
national media coverage has been nil. Nothing to say about consistency ...
fact, for them the Mafia problem almost does not exist ...
However, there is a problem JUSTICE ... That is the latest financial programmatic cut by 40% funds to the Police and 50% of the funds to the tribunals.
They transferred all the magistrates who are investigating and really "immunized" Fantastic 4 col Lodo Alfano. And not content with sawing the legs to the possible investigation "regulating" (they say) the interception, Bread for the investigators.
I invite you to really watch the video above and listen with an open heart the words of Salvatore Borsellino. Do this 2 times. Listen with open awareness and let the words do the rest. No media in its reporting, or caused to listen. Are all true, from first to last, backed by FLOWER sources, just search. The news of the regime have instead focused only on the twenty-second in which that fine orator "that Di Pietro is rightly states that all silences are conspiratorial and mafias. First to the one who should ensure the constitution and instead leaves that are slaughtered in the streets.
NAPOLITANO Dorm. And it is a fact. And 'man of the system, placed artfully and efficiently play its role. He sleeps and glosses over everything except "monit" shit on each and every launch or attend "psalm" official. A kind of short puppet, but CI is 5 times what it cost to the British monarchy and 7 times what it cost to Elisha.
I know NAPOLITANO sleeping and sleeping, even when GASPARRI said that the judiciary is a sewer, and, by extension, also the chairman of the Judiciary, namely NAPOLITANO that always the same even when asleep BOSS wiped his ass with the Tricolor ITALIAN, and slept even when the Italian Parliament, in front of millions of viewers, stuck his middle finger in the ass of the republic. NAPOLITANO was sleeping when he signed the "Lodo Alfano" and was asleep when the Berlusconi government was entitled elected by a law that everyone has defined a real slut. NAPOLITANO still asleep.
I know that if we do not stop the new Mafia occult, Laue laws, which wants to take possession of public property, if not preventing the destruction of the country by the Visigoths MODERN PADANA ....... We have to prepare for the worst.
Vi segnalo volentieri, sempre in tema EMERGENZA GIUSTIZIA, un'intervista di qualche giorno fa all'ex-prefetto Serra (ora Senatore PD... ha fatto carriera pure lui) che ho sempre ritenuto una persona capace:
Qui sotto invece, per la serie "LA MEMORIA" vi invito a guardare in che modo il Vate della Libertà, Sivio Brogliusconi, DIFENDE l'amico Dell'Utri e l'eroe Mangano. Guardate anche voi con che nonchalance, con quale piglio, con che FANTASIA, con che perizia ricostruttiva, S.B. fa trasparire la bella figura di 2 MAFIOSI ACCERTATI, raccontando una fiaba che pare scritta da Andersen in persona... Mangano che portava all'asilo i bambini... che finesse !
Se l'avete guardato vi invito a riflettere su COME questa persona MENTE. E' veramente, veramente talmente convincente che quasi quasi ci crede anche lui. Anche Dell'Utri appare in imbarazzo al suo fianco. Mente sapendo di mentire, in mondovisione, smentito dai fatti, dalle CONDANNE per mafia dei suoi amici... ma è troppo, troppo più forte di lui... MENTE !
Noi siamo in his hands. Him in whose hands?
http:// / w / index.php? title = Marcello_Dell% 27Utri & oldid = 21506862
They are these.
Looking around, I do not want to be the usual pessimistic, just a moment ago the agencies have beaten this:
FRANCE: STRIKE GENERAL DISORDERS IN THE CENTER OF PARIS Paris, 29 January . - Evening in Paris 'degenerated into riots and clashes with security forces launched a general strike for today in the capital, as in other cities two hundred' of France, to protest against Nicolas Sarkozy's economic policy and crisis management by its global financial governance. The event attracted tens of thousands of people, most of which were limited to march peacefully .
do not know ... I do not know whether that will happen this time. But one thing I know ... I will continue to be with your ears open but ... I'm with the ear against the ground. How did the Indians, you will notice the herd of buffalo in Mad imminent arrival. And I hope they arrive ...
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