L'italia sta collassando dal punto di vista della produzione industriale del deficit pubblico, del lavoro e, tra poco pure dei servizi primari. E lo dicono "loro", oggi:
Una squadra di ladri, ma prima di tutto di INCAPACI, ha messo mano ad Alitalia, alla scuola, ai mercati, alla giustizia ... e non ha investito un euro. Stanno solo "prendendo", il premier e la sua cricca, che stanno ancora discussing the division of the spoils despite consumers being plunged to -40% and soon we will have thousands of people laid off (at best) and the closure of other companies.
All Italy should pose questions to the government, the parliament and then listen to the answers, pull cobblestones in the face. Instead
questions that the media now considered fundamental and relates only to the Operating and Capital Di Pietro, who is certainly not a saint but just as certainly not the cause of our ills.
point, the real challenge is launching the governmental structures, is to see the extent to which Italians are balls. I doubt that is really not being more 'questone's media empire or manipulation of information ... the substance seems to be very different and that is that we are a people made up the majority stragarande from thieves, idiots, sharp operators tricking and corrupt.
The contradictions are emerging more and more violent. And the Italian does not seem to notice anything. But the urgency of things grows. It's not just take your plate from under the nose, stop watching television. Why empty stomachs awakens consciousness. For pure self-preservation. E 'history.
L'italiano medio ha sopportato 20 anni di dittatura militare praticamente senza fiatare. Tranne i soliti quattro gatti (le avanguardie) l'italiano si metteva, buonin buonino, la camicia nera e tirava a campare. Quando si รจ ribellato ?
Quando le avanguardie hanno fatto breccia nel muro di bovina indifferenza eretto dall'italiano medio intorno a se, quando in Italia sono cadute le bombe, quando i figli ed i mariti partiti per una delle scampagnate organizzate dal duce sono tornati in una cassa di legno, quando i tedeschi da amici ed alleati sono diventati enemies and began to rape, to kill, steal and deported when there was more to eat and the food was on the black market.
Then the Italian has found that it can take up arms and break the bastards Fuck the fascist oppressors and hungry. Only then will the Italian found to hold quite a few chestnuts.
We have to wait a little longer because the hatred will grow (eg mica a good thing ...), but that just the media "unworthy" and the lack of compliance all institutions, can counter and interrupt the sleep of the citizens, casting the movie of this beautiful world where the rich and consumerism expands and spending more 'than before, a new elite class VIP that, in spite of the growing poverty and ostentatious.
counting on this provocation continues to fuel the frustration and anger in the populace that, then yes, do not fall in place so far as he did, for the values \u200b\u200band protests, but only anger and envy class.
better than nothing.
P.S. Nel frattempo... se ci vogliamo guardare attorno...
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