Per vostra comodità (potrete poi verificare leggendo il testo completo al link qui sopra), vi riassumo quel che mi sembra important, namely that Article 27, which lists what is covered (and then reimbursed) and what is not is unfortunately all too clear.
are excluded from reimbursement, among other things:
-deposits and other repayable funds to bearer;
-bonds and debts arising from acceptances, promissory notes and securities transactions;
To me this seems unambiguous:
bonds of private banks and the Bank of Italy, more generally, all bearer shares are excluded from the guarantee fund and therefore, in a crisis will not be covered except to the extent percentage, certainly modest, made possible by the bankruptcy of the bank.
Oh... magari mi sbaglio... anzi lo spero !
Comunque, sempre se non lo sapete, vi dico che ad Aprile, in Itaglia SCADRANNO circa 200 miliardi di euro di buoni del tesoro , DEBITO che lo stato cercherà di rifinanziare con l'emissione e la vendita di nuovi titoli. Riuscite da soli a immaginare cosa succederà se lo stato non riuscirà a collocare detti titoli... ? Si chiama INSOLVENZA dello stato, DEFAULT, FALLIMENTO, e ci sarà da ridere !
Questo governo NON ha un anno di vita davanti , forse la resa dei conti ci sarà molto prima del previsto e ci sarà da badare molto bene a non far oltrepassare la frontiera ai boiardi di Stato con pockets full of stolen goods 20 years of thievery. They all know this already and, in my opinion, are preparing to flee.
better if we begin to organize, THIS TIME NO ONE IS GOING OUT OF HERE ALIVE with the loot in your pocket!
Enjoy the show but ... were tuned!
PS I must point out (for those who had doubts about) a secondary notiziuola strangely published on the courier service bb3a-11dd-00144f02aabc.shtml Interesting no? You are there in the middle? Very often managers or directors or auditors of certain companies, are also present in very high positions in financial, fake "competitors", people who sell or buy from that company ... Self-referentiality of a system in which a privileged few are pretending to be in competition, but actually share the cake. Play on all tables at the same time. If and when it apparently lost at a table ... just because they have won 3 times as much to another tavolo.Il dealer wins anyway ... even if he loses. The Courier
of ownership and financial performance of the Courier never speaks? True?!?
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