Monday, February 2, 2009

Can U Have Bloody Stool With Trichomoniasis

A quelli che come me erano bambini o giù di li a cavallo tra gli anni 70 e 80 voglio chiedere una riflessione. Voglio anch'io riflettere su COME è CAMBIATA la nostra società, per capire, non solo se ne VALEVA LA PENA ma anche COME abbiamo fatto a CRESCERE nonostante QUESTO...

1.- Da bambini andavamo in auto che non avevano cinture di sicurezza né airbag...
2.- Viaggiare nella parte posteriore di un furgone aperto era una passeggiata speciale e ancora ne serbiamo il ricordo.
3.- Le nostre culle erano dipinte con colori vivacissimi, con pitture a base di piombo.
4.- Non avevamo chiusure di sicurezza per i bambini nelle confezioni dei medicinali, nei bagni, alle porte.
5.- Quando andavamo in bicicletta non portavamo il casco.
6.- Bevevamo l'acqua dal tubo del giardino, invece che dalla bottiglia dell'acqua Mineral ...
7 .- We spent hours and hours thus imposing wheel carts and those fortunate enough to have roads and threw it down, halfway down, remember not to have brakes. After several battles against the bushes, we learned to solve the problem. Yes, we quarrel with bushes, not auto!
8 .- We went out to play with the sole obligation to return before sunset.
9 .- The school lasted until midday, we came home for lunch. We did not have mobile phones ... so no one could find them. Unthinkable. 10 .-
them cut, we break a bone, losing a tooth, but there was no complaint for these incidents. The fault was not to anyone but ourselves.
11 .- ate biscuits, bread and butter and drank soft drinks and we never had problems of overweight, because we were always around to play ...
12 .- We shared a drink in four ... drinking from the same bottle and nobody died from this.
13 .- We did not have Playstations, Nintendo 64, X boxes, video games, cable television with 99 channels, video recorders, mobile personal computers, Internet chat rooms .. . We had friends instead. 14 .-
went out cycling or walking up a friend's house, ring the bell or just we entered without knocking and he was there and we went out to play.

15 .- Yes! Them out!, In the cruel world! Without a keeper! How did we do?. We did games with sticks and tennis balls, formed teams to play a game and not all were chosen to play and waste were not subject to any disappointment that turned into trauma.
16 .- Some students were not as bright as others when they lost a year and kept repeating. No one went to a psychologist, educational psychology from anyone suffering from dyslexia or problems with attention or hyperactivity, and had simply repeated a second chance.
17 .- We had freedom, failure, success, responsibility .. . And learning to manage them.

So ... The big questions are:

How did we survive?

Who do we say "thank you" for the company DIMMERDA auttale SIMPLE?

Why do we leave?


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